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Ownet's Adventures - S01 E04

Story 4 years ago

Ownet's Adventures - S01 E04

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 4

Traveling on the busy road from

illorin to kogi state. The journey was

not easy. The journey had

squandered a lot of Mr grammer’s

money but nevertheless, he was

determined to leave illorin at all


Only Mr grammers family entered

the truck with their luggages.

Nobody followed them because Mr

grammer had told them not to

worry. Deep down his mind, Mr

grammer knew that his reason was

because he doesn’t want anybody to

know where he will be staying at

kogi state.

The driver parked at a place

popularly refered to as “KABBA

JUNCTION” located at adavi local

government area.

The driver turned to a direction and

drove for some certain distance

before he stopped the car and Mr

grammer and his wife alighted. They

carried their kids down.

Ownet was still young and couldn’t

walk yet. So his mum carried him on

her back and tied him firmly with a


They parked all their load down from

the car and Mr grammer then payed

the driver for conveying them.

The driver took of after collecting his

money and Mr grammer set to

arrange his properties in the new

rented house that they will be


This time around, they are staying

alone with no family member.

As God have it, Mr grammer’s contract

began to grow bigger and in no

time, he was holding millions of

naira again but he didn’t allow his

family to know. He gived outsiders

who were in his neighbour hood and

send little for his family back at

illorin. He doesn’t want them to

know that he is making it here in

kogi state.

++++¤ 5 YEARS LATER++++¤

Ibrahim is already 7years. His

dazzling handsomeNess attracted

younger and older gals to him. He

was fair in complexion and have an

inoccent cute face. Among all

grammerownet sons. Ibrahim was

the one that took his religion very

serious. At a tender age of 6 he was

already through with his quran(a

holy book sent from God to people

through the Prophet recognised as


Because of the voluminous money

his is earning, Mr grammer went and

marry a second wife all in the name

of the fact that he wants a female


Mrs grammer didn’t have a problem

with it. Like all females will do, she

had protested against it but the

influence of Mr grammer’s dad made

Mr grammer to be bent on marrying

a second wife.

Mrs grammer had to succumb to

what Mr grammer wants although

she was not happy with it.

At long last: Mr grammer married the

lady whose name was Mrs hadiza.

Mrs hadiza had married up to 4 men

in the past and had divorced all of

them even though she gave all of

them baby.

Mrs grammer was baffled when she

confirmed this. She confronted Mr

grammer and ask him why he had to

marry a lady that had divorced up to


Young woman, do not POLARIZE MY

INTELLECT. i have made the

unrecaptulated decision to marry

the lady and i dont think you or

anybody can do anything about it.

Dont PONDER ON the issue because

all i want is a female child. My

primary and important family is you

and your kids. The lady i am going to

marry now is my secondary wife and

you are important to me than her.

So dont listen to what people are

saying. Just remember what i have

told you now.’,Mr grammer said and

went close to pat his wife who was

still protesting about it.

It seemed Mr grammers charmed

worked because after he patted his

wife. His wife changed her mind and

told him she had accepted.

Mr grammer smiled.: i knew that my

beloved wife will always accept

what i say.

Well things turned out in unplanned

way. Mrs hadiza was already

pregnant for Mr grammer even when

Mr grammer had not paid her dowry

which was not legal in Islam. The

Muslims are expected to pay a

muslimats dowry before touching

her.( a Muslim is a male that practice

Islam while a muslimat is a female

that practice Islam).

Mr grammer didn’t pay her dowry

before Mrs hadiza delivered the baby

and with God’s power. The baby

turned out to be what Mr grammer

had always wanted. “A FEMALE”.

Mr grammer was happy but he didn’t

celebrate like how he did when

ibrahim was born because, in Islam

this is what we call fornication. The

baby was born illegally. So Mr

grammer just called some of his

family members and told them that

he now have a baby gal.

This time around the naming

ceremony was done privately in

which only 9people attended.

Unknown to Mr Patrick’ the

beginning of his problem had just


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Ownet's Adventures - S01 E03

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