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My Adventure With My Street Chicks - S01 E52

Story 4 years ago

My Adventure With My Street Chicks - S01 E52

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 52

I was in the class room that very Thursday Morning, I didn’t know what took me there earlier, the nurse call came in. “Hello” she said immediately I picked the call not even allowing me to say it 1st. “Hi nurse, how ar u doing”? I said. “Am fine ooo, and you”? “Fabulos, your voice is always as sweet as honey, I wonder how u will be, standing in front of me” “lolz you are funny sha”. “Baby, when are we seeing? I really wanna see you, I want to discuss something with you”. I said to her. “I don’t go to guy’s house please”! Bad luck ooo, wetin she mean by that self, well girls are good for initial gragra, she wan the form abi? “Sorry what do you mean, You’ve not even told me your name”? “My name is Blessing, I said I don’t like going to guy’s house, you can come to mine if you wish”. “Are you staying alone in a room”? “Yea, why did you asked me that”? “To know when and how to come”. “Ok ooo, you can come even today if you wish am on morning shift by 2pm am closing”. “Give me your address and I will come but make sure you cook ooo”. “No problem my address is 21 road *”. Abeg sharp guys plenty for this site e.g @skookum@pizzaro, @dee babs, @simzy @promzy@vict-vames@emmyrexx@ele. Make them no come fall ma hand for her side.

We ended the call the right time as immediately Vivian and her cabinet members including Jenny, thanks ma Chi, she was looking healthy and sexier than all of them, as I was contemplating on something unusual, Rose came in and walk straight to me and hugged me, initially, I thought it was confrontation, though a bit shocked I was elated. Sooner I discovered that I’ve gotten a lot of questions to answer by Vivian, as Rose sat among us we started a gist then Rose brought out a question thanks my stars and it require serious solving, WAEC Physics past question, initially Vivian and Dooshima weren’t interested but when Lois, Lucy and Jenny joined, they too joined and it was great as we were solving it 3girls from no where joined, they brought 2 more questions on Mathematics I solved them and they said I should please solve it on the board. The fact was that, every year WAEC do repeat the question because for about 4 consecutive years the questions were repeated though in different numbers, all eyes were on me. That day was one of my best days in high school I was like a star as all the eyes of both guys and girls were that of Love and Hatred.
As the drama was going on, I never knew my Geography Mistress Miss Jacobs was watching, I bet she was among those that were admiring, secret lover like 
@tenniebenson lolz. She came in and I was going back to my chair and she said No that I should continue, that she loves what I was doing, she even asked me a question regarding the Maths and I gave her what I thought was the best answer, she asked the class to clap for me and she too joined in clapping. She taught us very well that day, it was then I realize her name and her status to be single. I was just imagining why someone so endowed will still be single, I bet she could be very sweet in bed and who wouldn’t chop that kiti-cat of hers? She finished her lesson, gave us Assignment and asked me to collect it the following day and take it to her Office. I agreed but told her I don’t know her office, she asked me to follow her to her office which I did. Green light coming.

I followed Miss to her office, you need to see the faces of my class mates, Vivian, Jenny and Dooshima were pained inside, and it was very visible. I never cared as I followed her, I got to her office and I was shocked to discovered that she………………

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