My Adventure With My Street Chicks - S01 E04

My Adventure With My Street Chicks - S01 E04
Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 4
As the door opened, what I saw almost blew me off my feet, there stood d most cutiest creature I’ve eva set my eyes on, she was totaly perfect, does she did dis purposely or she neva knew I was coming?
On the door stood the fair American’s nose-like girl, with a bump short which look actually like a pant, with jst a singlet without bra, I was dumbfounded and couldn’t even say hi, I didn’t even know if I was still in dis world or in heaven, in order not to look carried away by her beauty which in actual sense I was, I jst smiled as she smiled back, her smile was more captivating than that of Vivian.
“Hello, pls is Lady V around”? I finally found my voice to speak. “Sorry, I don’t know who is lady V pls”, what? is she jokine or wat? But dis is d huz Vivian showed me as her huz, she was even present that time.
Oh I remembered that I was the one that gave her d nick-name, I den asked her if Vivian was @ home, it was den she said, “yea, she is taking her bath and should b out soonest, come in and sit down” all dis while we were @ d door, she didn’t even invit me in!! I went in sat down @ their study table, a table a two chairs opposit each oda, she picked one and sat a bit far 4rm my side. Suddenly Vivian came out 4rm d bathroom, with jst a towel around her waist, she jst gave me a brilliant smile, her towel was loosely tie and d side of her boobs was very visible, she has d sexiest boobs in d world!!
“Hello boo, I tot u ain’t coming again, so u wanna come”? She said,what? She jst called me boo? We jst met 2day ooo!!. guess what? they ar using only one room and she needs to change her cloth and cream her body, so I need to excuse her, didn’t I? But wen I said let me excuse her but she insist I must stay. “No na, u want me to b tempted by ur body”? I asked, she jst smiled, “Tempted by what, am I a satan that I should tempt u”? She asked and I told her nope, but temptation will always come na. “C’mon sit de jare, if u ar tempted den u can have dem na or ar u shy”? She asked winking @ me, “OMG!! Sorry do u know dis lady? Meet my friend and room mate, her name is Dooshima, we ar both 4rm Benue, am Idoma and she is Tiv by tribe”? Vivian said, wow!! she jst said Dooshima is Tiv while she is Idoma? I remember Tiv girls sabi f--k like hell, guess am actually in hell now, I must taste dos forbidden fruit!! I gave Dooshima a hand 2 shake and she shook my hand with a smile and I told her my name is Peter 4rm Calabar, she was jst blurshing. Vivian dressed up, brot fud, we ate and get to business.
As we ar about to start, kpo kpo kpo, a knock on d door, “yes come in” Doo said and two slim girls entered, one was very tall and cute, d oda wasn’t that tall about 5ft6 my height.
They came in and omg!! D aura that filled d air was amazing. Vivian did d introduction again, sorry meet my friends, Lucy and Lois, they ar room-mate like me and Dooshima, they live about 8 huz from dis side. Sharply I did d calculation, that means 2 houses away 4rm mine, wonderful!! She wanted to introduce me but they objected in unison that they already know me, and Vivian told me that they will b joining us in d study, I was actually happy but I jst need to pretend a bit, “What? But u never told me ur friends will join us? Will they also give me “anything” I want too as u will give me”? I asked, before Vivian could answer, both of them agreed. Thank God they agreed. Do u understand what that means? It means “anything u said will be use against u in the court of law” I will use it against dem soon, u know wat I mean na. Soon we get started on what I tot took me there, as I was teaching them, Vivian was staying close to me her breast rubbing all my body, Dooshima wasn’t concentrating as her eyes was jst staring @ me, she was d only one sitting down, as d only remaining chair I was d one sitting on it, Lois and Lucy were very unease, I was actually being tempted from all angle, I ended the lesson sooner than I xpected cuz of wat they were doing.
As I was about to go, the three of dem Lois, Lucy and Dooshima requested my number which I gladly gave, they (Lois and Lucy) said we should be going as we both stay close, but Vivian said she wanna follow us, she followed me to my huz, the 2 gals went to their huz as Vivian entered my huz, it was about 8pm den. “Well dis is where I squart for now” I told her. “Do u stay alone here”? She asked, “yea for now, I stay alone” it means wen ur gal comes she can even stay a week or more comfortably”. The question took me by surprise, well I need to answer her, “Well I don’t even have a galfriend not to talk of that” ” what do u mean, u don’t have a galfriend?
A handsome and intelligent guy like you, I guess u even av a big c--k that can make girls go gaga” she said. “I used to but now, no more and pls don’t ask me why” I cautioned her. “Ok it means maybe am lucky” what does that means by she is lucky? What eva she means I don’t care and I won’t ask her. I have a reading table and 3 chairs in my room, I showed her to sit and I lay on d bed to straighten myself, instead of sitting on d chair she came and lie beside me facing up.
“So since u don’t have a galfriend, when was the last time u had sex”? Jesus!!! What is dis girl upto? What does she want dis 9t? Does she have any mission?
Well watch out for Ep 5, as I start to unleash my sexcapades to u, it all depends on ur comments, at least 100 comments will make me to post 2episodes by 2mao. If u are d one what will u anser her?
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