Twins Adventure - S01 E44 (Story Episode)

Twins Adventure - S01 E44 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 44
Try a thing you haven’t done three times, once, to get over the fear of doing it. Twice ,to learn how to do it. And a third time ,to figure out whether you like it or not.
By : Virgil Garnett Thomson.
Joy was on call with Smith, while her roommate Oyibo was already asleep..
Smith : Baby, I miss your lips.
Joy : (smiles) oh, I miss yours more.
Smith : Is that so, OK let me send you kisses through the phone, Muuah,muuah Muuah.
Joy : (laughs) OK, I felt it here.
Smith : How does it taste?
Joy : Like pineapple.
Smith : Really ? Is my lips that sweet.
Joy : The taste is beyond this world.
How those my own lips taste.
Smith : (smiles) Like a strawberry sent from the heavens.
Joy : (laughs) Thanks sweetie.
Smith : You don’t need to thank me ,am just stating the fact here.
Joy : OK, baby we have some serious talk tomorrow.
Smith : Don’t tell me, you want to break up with me.
Joy : (laughs) Why would I do that?
Smith : I don’t know, I heard that whenever a girl says in a relationship that they had serious talk is usually break up talks.
Joy : I guess you heard wrong on this one.
Smith : OK, but why can’t we just talk it over on the phone.
Joy : No ,this is definitely not something to talk about on phone.
Smith : If you say so, I will come and pick you up in the morning.
Joy : OK, no problem. Let’s call it a day then, am already feeling sleepy .
Smith : OK, let me leave my queen to rest. I love you .
Joy : I love you more.
Smith : Together.
Joy : Forever.
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