Twins Adventure - S01 E37 (Story Episode)

Twins Adventure - S01 E37 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 37
We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit
By : Aristotle
Smith : The little that is there to know, you can tell me.
Joy : OK, am an orphan in a big city, to be able to survive and further my education,a friend introduced me to madam glow, who took me in and promised to cater for my educational needs.
Smith : (sighs) Interesting, but I don’t think you are being really honest with me.
Joy : why do you say so?
Smith : You avoided eye contact with me through out the all whole time you were saying all that
Joy : Is that so.
Smith : Joy, I want you to trust me enough to tell me the truth, believe me I don’t judge people, whatever mistake all things they did I believe there was a reason for it.
Joy : You want the truth ?
Smith : Nothing but the truth.
Joy : OK. I’m actually an orphan, I came into this city few months back, I was brought by my aunt who promised to help me further my education, but later brought me into the work of prostitution. It might interest you to know that this aunt of mine is actually madam glow your friend.
Smith :(shocked) really?
Joy : Yes, that’s the whole truth.
Smith : But you could have just backed out.
Joy : Am contemplating on doing that.
Smith : I’m sorry for all the painful experiences.
Joy : Is not your fault, you don’t need to be sorry.
Smith : (sighs) Enough of the bad experiences, let’s talk about something else.
Joy : OK
Smith : Let’s talk about us.
Joy : I don’t understand?
Smith : (smiles) ……
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