Twins Adventure - S01 E33 (Story Episode)

Twins Adventure - S01 E33 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 33
You must be the change you wish to see in the world
By : Gandhi
Joy was woken up by the continuous ringing of the doorbell by a female staff in the hotel.
Joy: who’s there?
Female staff : I brought you your ordered breakfast.
Confused joy went and opened the door to see the female staff who was holding a covered tray in her hand.
Joy : I didn’t order any breakfast.
Female : someone ordered it for you I guess.
Joy : oh yes, it must be Smith.
Joy was putting on her yesterday clothes and cat walking to the lobby of the hotel,where she had been informed by the same female staff that brought her breakfast that Smith was waiting for her.
She sighted Smith from far, and the huge black man who she saw with him at the airport.
Smith : (shaking her hands) hello pretty Joy, hope you had a good night rest.
Joy : yes and you.
Smith :(smiles) I guess is OK at the end cause I had a very beautiful dream .
Joy : do you mind sharing?
Smith : No I don’t, but that would be another time, am currently running late for some business. Come on let’s go to the car I will drop you off at home.
The three walked to the garage of the hotel, where a black Porsche was parked. Joy and Smith made their way to the back seat,while the black huge man assumed the duty of a driver.
The Porsche was parked neatly near the gate.
Joy : For you not to ask any direction, it looks like you’ve being here before.
Smith : (smiles) Is not what you are thinking, and yes have being here before, I mean glow is my friend so of course I visited her sometimes.
Joy : How did you get to know them?
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