Twins Adventure - S01 E31 (Story Episode)

Twins Adventure - S01 E31 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 31
I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.
By : Abraham Lincoln
Joy was completely shaken by what Smith said, but she tried her best to remain calm.
Joy : If you are looking for a wife,how is that my business, I mean I can’t help you with that.
Smith :Maybe, but maybe you can be the greatest help.
Joy : How?
Smith: What if I intend to marry you?
Joy: (Shocked ) I don’t understand, you can’t?
Smith : Why?
Joy : First we just got to know, second am just a lowly prostitute how can you possibly marry me.
Smith : Your first reason can be amended, we will definitely get to know each other better, and on the part of you being a prostitute I don’t care about that, I mean prostitutes are also humans right.Eee
Joy : Hmmm
Smith : Never mind all that I said, I just said that cause I’m frustrated.
Joy: Why’s that?
Smith: my parents said that before they can fully handover the family business to me, according to them if I can take care of my wife I can take care of the business.
Joy: Hmmm, I believe the right girl will show up one day.
Smith: I don’t really believe in fate, I believe is us that mould how things will go in our lives.
Joy: If you say so.
Smith : Have already prepared a room for you, you can go in and rest.
Joy: Thanks.
Joy was preparing to sleep, when her phone rang, the name on the screen was Oyibo baby.
Joy: How far na babe?
Oyibo: how far na, joy the matter dey play well.
Joy :(laughs) Abeg you too like gist.
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