Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E26 (Story Episode)

Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E26 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 2 EPISODE 26
I stood stiLL shock with the repLy she gave, the epic repLy caught me offguard, i swallow hard and went to the kitchen to get a satchet of water..
I came back to the room only to meet her laying on the bed comfortably, i ignore her and retire to the reading chair… Dead Silence overthrown the room for about fifteen minutes before she resurect the dead Silence…..
OLa whats wrong twisting her tongue like a snake thats is about to bite, “Whats Wrong Like What did you mean ?” i fire back with a mean voice that echo outta the room…
Pls Lower Your voice she said pleadinly.. Now you are telling to lopwer my voice but few minutes ago i was asking u a question but instead for you to reply with an answer… U shout on me insulting me in the process…
“Am sorry if that upset you”
am not angry i fire back almost immediately…
“But whats my offence” your offence like..
Did you see me with cane… I asked rheterotically, noo she reply standing up moving towards me, i tried to stand up but its too late, what she did next shook me…
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