Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E22 (Story Episode)

Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E22 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 2 EPISODE 22
We both Slept off peacefuLLy that night after the embarassing incident, onLy for me to be woken up by “JT” pLea to be free from my boxers, “What Sort of rubbish is this ?” i asked directing the question to no one in particular..
I tuck my hand inside my boxer after severaL faiLed attempt..
My Left hand was moving up and down, WhiLe my Right hand on its own went on to lift tania nighties, the sight of her bum crack sent shock down my Spine immediateLy, my hand went further and squezee the Left, i heard m0an softly.. She parted her Laps for free penetration stiLL not Facing me..
I did not need a prophet to tell thats a go ahead sign as i dip my middle finger into her already wet hole..
She keep jacking her waist to and fro WhiLe i keep ExpLoring her Wet K.itty..
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