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Adventure with aunty caro - S01 E44 (Story Episode)

Story 4 years ago

Adventure with aunty caro - S01 E44 (Story Episode)

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 44

All my fans or let me say follower are bad guesser,
nobody caught me off guard with the guessing game I
recently introduced…
Only two people almost wipe me off..

But they did not impress me enough.

One of the rule you should have at the back of your
mind while guessing is you do not use ‘or’… The first
reader that almost got right, said the fifth person is
Sheyi or the Waitress.
Back to my precious story enough of the lecturing, the
Waitress happen to be the fifth person, how did I found
out, you will get to know soon..

The two guys that happen to be Lincoln’s friend drop
message, both of them include their name and nick, the
reason why they drop same message, I don’t know..

The lady that slap me also drop series of apology
message.. I quickly reply her with apology accepted, I
sent apology accepted because I really want to know the
reason behind her reaction today.. She is online but yet
to reply, I ignore her profile, I opened Paul’s profile I
replied his message too, but he was not online.. I replied
all my pending Dm on whatsapp and other social
networks too…

But wait have not reply the fifth person which happen to be the waitress, I opened her profile, I
checked her dp first, she is so stunning, but she is too
hot compare to what I saw at the cafeteria today, I
replied her message..

The conversation..

Waitress.. Good afternoon sir.

Me… (Who is this one using sir for) Afternoon Ma
Waitress.. Typing..

Me… Waitress right ?

Waitress.. I’m pelumi sir, I’m Waitress the that came to
collect your number for one of our customer at Savannah
CAFETERIA earlier today.

Waitress.. Yes sir.

Me… Ok, Pls stop this sir of a thing my name is OLabep.

Waitress.. Ok sir.

Waitress.. Hah Sorry OLa.

Me.. Its no problem..

Waitress.. I knew you will be wondering how I got your

Me.. Sure I am, because I saw you when you gave that
note I wrote my number on to the lady that sent you..

*****I quickly add her number to my contact list before
her next message came in.. I saved her number with
Pelumi Cafeteria..

Pelumi cafeteria.. Yea, I gave the note to her, but I had
memorize your number before getting to her table..

Me.. Wao, Thats Great, you played a sharp one on her..
Wink smiley

Pelumi cafeteria.. Yea.

Me.. I sent thumbs smiley( in my mind I had successfully
ended the conversation, not knowimg its other Wise)
I Left her profile immediately.. I want to brought out the
phone I collected from lincoln earlier when I remember
Caro is around, I tilted my head sideway only to found
her deep asleep, I brought out the phone and message
shola, this is the content of the message.. **Good
evening shola, for the mean time I wont be using this
whatsapp and the phone number too, reach me on my
new line (07000000000) when you get this messaged** I
dash to the phone setting after sending that message..
I happily clicked on REST TO DEFAULT SETTINGS.. The
phone instruct me to wait for few minutes, after two
minutes the phone is successfully wiped, I switched it
off, removed the sim, I start chewing the sim
immediately I threw it into my mouth, not that am
heartless when I collected the phone from lincoln earlier
its just that, I wanted to show him, I am more matured
and wiser than him.. If he could afford to buy a new
phone just because he wanted to impersonate me and
fcked a girl hes been longing for, he should be able to
let go the phone, if doesnt want to get exposed….

But d--n it I dont need his phone, I dash to his room after
destroying the sim and deleting all the data he had on
the phone, I threw the phone at him when I get to his
room, he was surprised to see me retirn the phone, but
for what reason he did not,
Lincoln.. What happen again ??
Me.. (Frown Face) i don’t need your d--n phone nigga..
He quickly went on his knee pleading, OLaBeP pls now,
bail me out of this mess, she must not get to find out..

Pls pls

Me.. Stand up Mumu… Im only toying with you.. Every
thing is other control… Already told her, i wont be using
the line any longer, i told her to add up my new number,
which happen to be my real number..

Lincoln.. He did the cross sign in the air feeling
relieved… But why did you return the phone..

Me.. Thats my compensation for you helping me to bail
out my little Johnny..

Lincoln.. Ohhh.. I even Forget did you remember the
babe that attend to us at the chemis

Me. Yea i do.

Lincoln.. Like the babe has fall for you.

Me.. God Forbid.. The babe no fine jhor..
We talk about other issue, from sport to education to
politics and finally to girls, that was when i hinted him
about the new Development, the lady that slapped me
isshh and the waitress that played a smart one on her..
Lincoln.. O boy no dull yourself for this waitress matter
oh, if she did not like you she wont crammed your

Me.. Ok boss..
He ask him to show him the girl dp, When I realized I’m
having 10 unread messages from her..

What are the content of the messages find out in next

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Adventure With Aunty Caro - S01 E43 (Story Episode)

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Adventure With Aunty Caro - S01 E45 (Story Episode)

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