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Adventure with aunty caro - S01 E16 (Story Episode)

Story 4 years ago

Adventure with aunty caro - S01 E16 (Story Episode)

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 16

Fast forward to saturday, Arsenal
versus Spurs match…lincoln had
already informed me, he won’t be
around,he told me he’s going to his
uncle’s place… But he promise to drop
his key incase there is light, so that i can watch the match at his
place… 12pm there is no sign of
light.. Not even flashing.. 1pm light no
show, thirty minutes past
light no show.. And match we start at
1 : 45.. I had already gave up on watching the match.. Caro left for
saloon at 5 minutes to two.. I was following the match on twitter…
15minutes played already no
goal from both side, i was getting
bored about everything..

I decide
to reward my body with nap.. My body
had barely touch the bed when phcn brought the light..

I quickly jump
up..picked lincoln’s key rush
to his room.. Switched on the tv and
the gotv set… I lay on his bed,
the game was in firsttime stoppage
time when TANIA walked inn..

TANIA: you can’t even come and call me.

ME: am sorry, i don’t even know your room.

TANIA: haba, but you saw when i entered the room opposite your sister room yesterday.

ME: i can’t be so sure because of that..

TANIA: what am i putting on, when you saw me yesterday ?

ME: you mean when you entered that room ?


ME: towel

TANIA: so you expect me to visit
someone with just my towel

ME: i dunno, it’s your choice

TANIA: ok, i can’t do that oh..

ME: ok ma oh

TANIA: but, you are a lier

ME: Why ?? When did i lied to you

TANIA: what about the day i caught
you starring at my Bosom ME: i was starring because i love what
i saw that day

TANIA: you mean it.

ME: yea

TANIA: so will you love to touch
them ?

ME: i won’t even mind, if you order me
to suck them.

TANIA: Bad boy, lets get naughty then.

ME: after the match

TANIA: common, time not on our side,

ME: lincoln won’t be back till 7 and this is just part 2

TANIA: what about your sister.

ME: she can’t come here.

TANIA: she will, if she didn’t meet me in my room..she warned me already to stay off you “i wanted to ask if she’s that Prosmicious that caro warned her to
stay off me..

But i know such
words could forfiet everything.. She stood up went to the door, locked
it from the back…

She join me on bed, we kissed and
foreplay for like 15minutes, she
pull off my shirt and shorts, i help with
hers too, we were both Unclad on bed when she picked her trouser,
dip her hand inside the back
pocket and brought out a condom.. “astonished!!!

ME: so you already prepare for this..

TANIA: no time jare.. But don’t see
me a Lovepeddler.. It’s just that i love
you, but i can’t date you because of
our age difference.. But we can still enjoy ourselves.. “she rolled the condom on johny, we
start the match with woman on top
later switched to doggy.. She Pour
after 20mins, we later switched to
leg on shoulder style after she had
release.. I also dump my juice in condom 8
minutes later.. “We both dressed up after the scene,
she left the room immediately
while i continue watching the match,
she later came into the room with
two bottles of nutri c.. 

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Adventure With Aunty Caro - S01 E15 (Story Episode)

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Adventure With Aunty Caro - S01 E17 (Story Episode)

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