Adventure with aunty caro - S01 E06 (Story Episode)

Adventure with aunty caro - S01 E06 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 6
Me : good morning
New episode
Guy: Morning,
Me: Good morning.
Guy: You are Olabep right?
Me: Yea,Why did you ask
Guy: Tania told me About you..
Me: (surprise)Tania ??
Guy: Yea, Caro Friend.
She told Me You are a Gunner Too..
Me: Yea, Die Hard
Guy: She Came to Watch Arsenal vs Westham Yesternight.
Me: Ok.
Guy: Am Lincoln
Me: Nice Meeting you
Lincoln: Same here.
I Sat on the Balcony Outside doing nothing..Would have stay indoor,But the
heat is just too much.
Was just reminiscing how everything is going to work out, When i remember have not
Call home since Yesterday,Brought Out My Phone, Dial Mummy number.
It was mtn that reply, your account is too low for this call, pls recharge.
“I Don’t know Anywhere Here, Where will i Buy recharge card now ?
I went inside, pick my Wallet,Lock the door, and depart to no man land.
I Move out of the compound searching for where i will buy card.
I have roam about for like 5 minutes before i see Where they INSCRIBED
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