Adventure with aunty caro - S01 E02 (Story Episode)

Adventure with aunty caro - S01 E02 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 2
Sunday is here.. 2pm After Sunday service, am off to akure with Caro…
We get to her lodge few minutes past 4..
We Meet a Lady Outside the lodge, she Introduce her to me as Sheyi..
I was Busy offloading My Bag When we heard a knock.
After Like 5 Seconds of Knocking.
Caro voice out that the person should come in..
Caro: Tania baby
Tania: How are you dear
Caro: Am Fine..
If i had Know You are The one, Won’t have told You to Come in
Tania: Why ?
Caro: Z
Tania: I Saw a Male Shoe outside, that it is why i knocked before coming in.
Caro: Meet My Brother.
Me: Good Evening
Tania: Evening Handsome.
How are you ?
Me: Am Fine
Tania: How is Everyone at Home
Me: They are fine Tania: Caro Already Told Me Alot About
Me: About me ? (Surprised)..
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