Adventures of johnysky - S02 E32 (Story Episode)

Adventures of johnysky - S02 E32 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 2 EPISODE 32
I walked in angrily into hall-b surprised at myself that I was feeling angry and not scared as one would expect.
My anger was at what exactly, the phone that chose that moment to slip out of the pocket or the police just had to come here and take ebuka or the fact that we shouldn’t have gone on that mission in the first place if not for our greed for money.
I brought out my phone and dialed Miss Lola’s number immediately coughing hard to catch my voice again.
“Johnysky first time in history you ever called me” she blared through the ear piece into my ears chuckling.
“Ebuka just got arrested ” I blew out without mincing words.
“what? ” she shrieked from the other end.
“yes the police found his phone where it fell out the night we escaped police arrest” I came again tightening my grip on my phone hard like it was an intruder.
She was silent for sometime, then cleared her throat a bit..
OK sky please don’t panic, it will be sorted out”
I cut the call immediately dropping my phone the first place my hands could get.
Sudden buzz of students jolted me out of lost wonderland of worry and thinking, alternatives of how to escape, all both possible and impossible, the thought of flying abroad even occurred to me even when I don’t yet know what an international passport looks like.
The look princess gave me when Ebuka was taken reoccurred into my head again playing out like some dubbed video.
I looked out into the compound from the window not too far from my bunk and I could see streams of students flowing out of the general hall needlessly more silent that they usually would be.
No usual chatter
No playful pranks and tags buttered with laughs and cracking sounds of smacking hands on skin.
The whole picture seemed bleak and un-colourful to me, students walking in groups chewing over some nameless whispers and laughless questions..
The rest of the day was slow and unbearably stale, whispers followed my back when ever I passed groups of students who wondered about the school freely owing to the fact we would be heading for the Christmas holidays the next day.
“sky ooo” my name rang from what sounded like no where.
Turned weakly and saw Vincent making towards me with a grin fixed on his face and his right hand travelling from his pocket to his mouth.
my face was swollen and eyes were dreamily bleak. Vincent walked up towards me holding that always excited look.
“Chai sky Ebuka don enter police cell” he said tapping my shoulder.
“eheee and CNN probably should report that news abi?” i fired back bluntly cold looking squarely into his face with my facial expression miles away from a smile.
“Bia i just deh tell you wetin happen na” Vincent replied noticing how the joke seemed to be rubbing off wrongly..
“Yes cus i was in Congo not in McGonals when it happened” i hissed and walked on..
“But im be your paddi na, people say you might have idea of what he did. sky pray that tomorrow comes quickly so we can get the hell out of this place” he called out behind me.
i turned and looked at vincent one last time, his chubby frame seemed to be getting even chubbier to me, and his flappy arms and cheeks made him look more ridiculous that i could throw him a punch if i hadn’t stepped few steps ahead.
i shook my head and went on my way aimlessly around the school exercising the un-lasting freedom of movement.
I haven’t seen Dave since i left the hall neither have i seen Princess even though i met her Hall mates huddled up at the end of the soccer field gisting and giggling uncaring of people that passed.
Saw Dave after dinner just as i finished having my bath and heading towards my bunk to get some rest, my luggage were packed and ready for tomorrow.
i wouldn’t stay a minute in this school right after the holiday orientation address.
Dave was visibly shaken to his bones, his eyes grew redder and his face lost its colours.
He walked in without the usual Dave greeting rituals of almost greeting everything in hall and having a football analysis quickie with his fellow football coaches in the lodge.
“I told you Man-U will loose that match!!!” No he didn’t say that to Chidi who was a die hard Man-U fan.. He just walked up to his bunk and sat at the right side of his unkept bed facing the left side of my own bed.
“Sky we are in deep trouble” he said looking at me for the first time.
I kept mute not knowing exactly what i could possibly say..
“Ebuka will be sleeping over the police station tonight showing the case is a bit more serious than the police painted it to the principal” he said again.
“Of course it is, what do you expect when you saw everything that happened that night..” i said with a pitiable sigh.
“Haaaai, am dead” Dave blew out again lifting his hands to his head in total dismay.
“I called Lola” i intoned looking at him.
“Ehee what did she say?” He rented out leaving his bunk immediately to seat beside me on my bed.
“Nothing. i just told her Ebuka was arrested and she told me it will be sorted out” I said ..
“It will be sorted out and he isn’t back yet?” Dave retorted..
“Guy i honestly do not know” i replied ..
“Sky, we are in trouble..”
The night was even more miserable for me than the day ever was, my imaginations were running wild over the situation we were into.
they could be pressing Ebuka’s hands with a hot iron now to say the truth, or maybe mixing coke and pepper for him to drink now so as to get him to talk.
I could picture vividly how a professionally trained police man is bringing in two live wires towards him to electrocute him.
I was sure our name would have flown out of his mouth in such dire situations. Sleep was far from me, i could hear Dave hissing through out the night.
Morning came slower than a snail going to the market and it came with a cold foggy harmattan signature blowing bone cracking breezes that creaked the trees.
Breakfast was noisy and we headed towards the general Hall for holiday orientation.
Everyone were kitted in their best cloth in the prospect of a last school hour birthing a sure home going any moment.
I walked to the hall with Dave all the while we never said anything or discussed about anything ever since the morning came.
The short Vice-Principal walked in again and then to the podium to get on with his address with the school staffs standing right behind him wearing black and white wears.
Miss Anita’s gazes at me from where the staffs stood was met with a cold scared one.
“Finally students the police are back” the last words from the vice principal registered into my mind which he announced few minutes after his speech.
The whole hall erupted into an uproar of tension and confused murmurs.
4 black clad police men stepped into the school Podium and called out loud..
“John Williams and David Umeh please step out!!!”
It has happened, the whole faces were turned towards were i sat with Dave. Dave took a fast look at me, the fear in his eyes were paralleled.
Princess got up from her seat just immediately i and Dave slowly stood up and made one step to start walking towards the police men in the podium.
She walked straight towards me, stood in front of me could see her eyes were filled up like a looming rain ready to pour any moment.
After a little more than 20 seconds of looking into my face she walked away towards the back of the hall while i walked towards the podium with dave.
Miss Anita’s face was a mixture of surprised and unhidden scare. Mathematics teacher was grinning at me and i can swear Victor waved a ‘bye bye’ gesture at me also grinning.
Vincent’s eyes were popped and his mouth dropped in an unexpected knee jerk reaction to an event that he must have already guessed.
I could feel the numerous pairs of eyes fixed on me, the mournful hisses.
“Mr John and David are both Best friends of Master Ebuka and so both are needed for the investigation currently on going…” the police man who announced our names announced again to the students before leading the way out of the podium while the remaining police men escorted I and Dave as we all walked out the door towards their cars packed right in the middle of the football field.
I didn’t know which was more degrading; Having to walk through the aisle of students looking at me with four police men escorting me, having to deal with the maths teacher and Victor’s grin or Vincent’s gleamy eyes i was sure everybody at home will know even before he drops.
or having to seat at the back of white police van on the dirty floor that had a mucky smell.
We got to the station, A one storied complex with numerous windows most of them not large enough to take human head in between.
“oya come down!!!” one of the police men barked at us with huge hausa accent.
I looked at his face that had no iota of laugh, sweats tricked down his face and the huge marks on his face showed vividly.
As we stepped into the complex and eerie chill overtook me, random shouts rang out every now and then, sometimes shrieky sounds of pain tearing through my mind like a knife.
We were taken to a room just after the counter, dark and cold with just one white table light. Ebuka was inside the room seating on a chair behind an old table, he got up too certainly surprised to see i and dave there.
“Sky?” he called out towards the door where me and dave just came in through with the hausa police man behind.
“Dave? what are you guys doing here?” he asked stepping out through the back of the table taking a couple of steps towards us.
The surprise he wore for seeing us confused me even more.. “we were mentioned as your best friends and so brought here for questioning, we thought you did” i said in a whisper looking at the door to be sure the police man was not hearing us.
“No o i never mentioned you guys or anything concerning best friends” he said getting me more baffled and confused.
“then who must have done that?” Dave chipped in
The door creaked open and the gentle police man walked in with two more, a lady and a fierce looking man in army camouflage.
“young men how are you?” he addressed us.
“we are fine sir”
“good, listen if the three of you cooperate with us in this Investigation, i will make it doesn’t fall hard on you young boys” he said in his usual calm voice.
We just mopped on at him not saying anything or wondered if we really knew anything we could say.
Just then the door opened again and a man wearing an old looking brown coat with matching cowboy cap stepped in ..
Went straight to the police man addressing us and whispered to him some inaudible words.
“lets go to my office sir” the police man replied as they both walked out and the man eyed us before stepping through the door too.
“that’s skull” ebuka whispered entertaining a smile.
In about an hour later skull walked back into the room with a different police man with large pot belly and the gentle police man was behind them, the trio were laughing and making jokes as we watched on trying to figure out what exactly was funny.
“Young man next time don’t ever give your cousin your phone because they might get robbed” the fat police man addressed Ebuka..
Which cousin? who robbed who? i queried in my mind confused at where such stories just came out from..
“You three can now go and be careful next time not to give people your phones, i will call your principal and tell him” he blew out pointing at us.
“Come my boys lets go” Skull said opening his hands. we walked to him as he led us out of the station with a large grin on his face.
“Did they beat you?” I whispered to Ebuka as we walked through the compound.
“No they said i was still a minor so they could not use torture to get me to talk” he whispered back..
“This car will take you three back to school and get your stuffs and then take you boys back to your various houses” Skull said opening the door of an Infiniti jeep while pointing at a toyota highlander to us.
“thank you sir” Ebuka said.
“You boys did well, especially you ” he said pointing at ebuka “you will hear from me” he smiled and jumped into the owners side of the car shut the door and it roared to a start heading out almost immediately.
we entered the highlander jeep and the driver made for McGonals in a whim.
The school surprisingly still had many students most bearing their luggage, we were met with a surprise look on their faces, many were already walking towards us with impending questions ready to rain.
the vice principal walked towards us smiling with an air of pride in his aura.
“The school was called that it was a misunderstanding and there was nothing linking you guys to the whole saga..” he said to us.
“yes sir” Ebuka replied, his usual relaxed self almost fully back
“The school is glad for that, Merry Christmas boys, be safe” he shook our hands and walked on.
Princess came towards me, her eyes were red and swollen and her face still was gloomy..
“Welcome sky, have a nice holiday” she said and walked away without looking back heading towards the lexus jeep that was waiting for her.
Few boys were still inside hall B when we entered finalizing their packing, we helped Ebuka with his and rearranged.
The hall supervisors handed us envelopes of our report sheets.
I sat on my bed thinking about everything that happened within this eventful term, the brown envelopes holding the report sheet in my left while the handle of my luggage was on my right.
who told the police of i and Dave’s involvement with Ebuka remains a mystery.
my fate with princess
Miss Anita
and Diamond.
And Vincent had already gone back to our yard, everybody must have heard about the police taking me..
I got up, looked around the hall smiled and sighed hard looking on with a dreamy unsure eyes.
“Let me go face What Vincent must have told everybody back at home” i muttered to myself as i walked out of the hall with Ebuka and dave..
We are going home…
Johnysky’s Escapades Continues in the second season of the Over the fence series..
the truth, lies, plots and twist of the events will unfold, betrayal and heartbreaks…
Find out if it turns out well for our hero Johnysky as he goes through the journey of life lost deep in mistakes and bad choices.
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