From Darkness (2024) [Swedish] | Download Mp4

Download From Darkness (2024) [Swedish]
The park ranger, Angelica, seeks the help of her former boyfriend, Viktor, a dog handler, to search for a missing woman in a dangerous nature reserve in Sweden. The search is complicated by a disturbing myth about the Cave Banshee, a vengeful spirit from the Nordic folklore that once lured miners to their deaths in the reserve's treacherous caves. As they delve deeper into the forest, Viktor starts to question his own sanity and whether the rumored Banshee is more than just a myth.
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 5/10 from 528 users
Directed by: Philip W. da Silva
Starring: Oscar Skagerberg, Rakel Benér, Peter Mörlin
Video: Mkv
Audio: Swedish
Runtime: 1 h 25 min
Subtitles: English
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