This urban odyssey begins with a chance meeting on the streets of Budapest, when the two filmmakers run into Sanyi, a charismatic, unruly 8-year-old who constantly tests boundaries and oscillates between childlike innocence and a sober outlook that belies his age.
Genre: Documentary
IMDB Rating: 8.4/10 From 336 Users
TMDB Rating: N/A
Rotten Rating: N/A
Metacritic Rating: N/A
Directed by: Dávid Mikulán , Bálint Révész
Starring: N/A
Release Name: Kix.2024.1080p.WEB.H264-SUBSCRiBE
Video: MKV
Audio: Hungarian | AC3 / dolby digital plus
Runtime: 1 h 28 min
Subtitles: English[Selectable]
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