In war-torn Japan, the Tokugawa Shogun, desperate to restore peace to his people, orders the assassination of the hostile warlords. A beautiful young woman is raised from birth with nine other orphans, to become an assassin. Her name is AZUMI, the ultimate assassin.
Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama | Fantasy | Thriller
IMDB Rating: 6.9/10 from 10,244 users Metascore: 49/100
Directed by: Ryûhei Kitamura
Starring: Aya Ueto, Kenji Kohashi, Hiroki Narimiya
Release Name: Azumi.2003.iNTERNAL.DVDRip.XviD-MULTiPLY
Video: Mp4
Audio: Japanese
Runtime: 143 MIN
Subtitles: English
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