The French Teacher follows Cleo, a woman who is grappling with complicated personal dilemmas. Hesitantly, she begins an affair with Matthew, a student half her age. After the death of Cleo’s father, her daughter Sophie returns home from New York to stay with her. The already fraught relationship between mother and daughter is intensified when a triangle emerges between Cleo, Sophie and Matthew. The present collides with the past, as long-buried family issues are unearthed in this complex, intergenerational drama.
Genre: Drama
IMDB Rating:
IMDB Rating: 6.3/10 From 30 Users
Resolution; 1920x1080
Directed by: Stefania Vasconcellos
Starring: Michelle Arthur , Maude Bonanni , Roberto Bonanni , Clara Gabrielle
Release Name: 1080pwebh264-watcher
Released Year: 1 August 2019 (Italy)
Audio: English | AAC | 128 kb/s
Runtime: 1 h 32 min
Subtitles: N/A
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