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LASU first set of 2022 modular year Sandwich Degree matriculation list is out

Forum 1 year ago

LASU first set of 2022 modular year Sandwich Degree matriculation list is out

This is to inform the admitted students of the Lagos State University Directorate of Sandwich Degree programme that the matriculation list for the 2022 modular year for students who have completed their online registration on the LACACA platform has been released.

The matriculation numbers can be accessed using the procedure below:

1. Browse the LASU Website: https://www.lasu.edu.ng

2. Point to the STUDENT tab and click on CHECK MATRIC NUMBER

3. On the displayed page, enter your APPLICATION NUMBER e.g SW2…

4. Click on SUBMIT to view your Matriculation Number.

Other sandwich degree students in the 2022 modular year that are yet to commence LACACA are advised to commence same without delay, while those already on LACACA platform but have one or two issues to attend to, should act accordingly in order for them to be assigned matriculation numbers and safeguard their provisional admissions.

In view of the above, students that have already completed their online courses registration should, henceforth, access the registration portal with their matriculation numbers.

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