LASU notice on collection of examination dockets for 1st semester exam, 2022/2023

LASU notice on collection of examination dockets for 1st semester exam, 2022/2023
In compliance with the University Management's position on the use of the University approved Examination Dockets as the only Entry Pass into the semester examination halls, the Directorate of Information & Communication Technology (DICT) has commenced the delivery of the examination dockets to faculties.
As at 12 noon on Tuesday, 18th July 2023, dockets have been delivered to some Faculties and School in Ojo Campus of the University for immediate distribution to students.
Delivery of the examinations dockets to other Faculties will continue tomorrow Wednesday, 19th July 2023.
The entire students’ populace are therefore enjoined to note that the examination docket issued by the University is the only APPROVED DOCUMENT/PASS that admits student entry into the examination halls. And hence, any student without an examination docket would not be allowed entry, AT ALL, and for whatever reason(s), into the examination halls. This is STRICTLY the position of the University.
Students are to note that the examination dockets are embedded with special security features to avoid counterfeiting of same.
The University Management wishes all students the best of luck in the forthcoming first semester examinations.
We are LASU, We are Great.