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Why Most Christians Don't Have The Capacity To Perform Miracles

Forum 4 years ago

Why Most Christians Don't Have The Capacity To Perform Miracles


Life lives is the blood, Leviticus 17:13-14. For miracle to be performed, a superior Life force has to flow through the Vessel to the receiver of the miracle in order for the extraordinary suspension of the familiar natural laws to occur.

When the superior Life force flows out and take over through the human vessel, a miraculous transformation happens. Jesus asked "who touched me?" in Luke 8:45-46. For HE perceived some virtue (life force) had gone out of HIM to transform the woman with the 12 years issue of blood. When someone becomes a born again Christian, he/she becomes directly reconnected to HIS creator and regains the direct access to the Source of Life which Adam lost; which all Humanity lost through Adam. For this reason did Jesus come, to reconnect all Humanity back to our CREATOR through holiness. When you receive JESUS and permanently focus on being holy, the supernatural becomes your natural regardless of weather you know it or not. Unfortunately, devil has used this modern World system to dumb down most Christians to the fact that they are the most Powerful set of Beings on Earth.

Before Jesus came to show us how to live forever, make the Way of eternal Life available and accessible for all Humanity, Jews like Daniel that reconnected to the CREATOR of Humanity was able to manifest miracles like shutting lions mouth, Elijah called down fire from above, Joshua paused Time, Moses parted the Sea, etc. If you doubt that these things ever happened in the Bible, then research the Miracles that Christians still performed long after JESUS has gone to Heaven.

Years ago, so many people that reconnected to the great CREATOR through Jesus, performed countless Miracles that we still hear of today. Even our very own Ayodele Babalola performed so many incredible Miracles here in Nigeria. Read the Book "God's Generals" and you marvel at the level of Heavenly Authority and dominion exercised by those Christians on Nature, physical occurrences, situations, kingdom of darkness, and existence as a whole. Those Men lived as originally intended by GOD ALMIGHTY for Man, they exercised full Authority over the Earth, over circumstances, over demons, over Satan, and over Creation. You will see that the current famine of Miracles, the visible lack of power and evidence of ALMIGHTY GOD's intervention was not so.

Satan must have been so taken aback and annoyed about the Miracles of those era of God's Generals. He intensified his effort "to STEAL, to kill, and to destroy" by using his most effective tool against Humanity.

That's why those that have been deceived and enslaved by him force sex appeals into your face on the Streets, TV, Internet, Radio, etc. Even in Church.

Scientifically, it has been proven that excessive sex and masturbation causes permanent damage biologically, psychologically (and Spiritually). You can never tell a witch or wizard by physical look. They are in clubs, they are in Church. Sex is far more spiritual than physical. So, Premarital sex, sex outside marriage is even far more deadly because the Person you open the Door of your Body/Life/Soul to, comes in with all that is in him/her(the blessings/curses/demons). You don't even need to be a witch or wizard before Satan use you to destroy the person you are having premarital sex with, the sin already gives him authority over you.

Sex is addictive and it has been scientifically proven that excessive sex make people duller and less productive. devil knows this and use this to waste so many glorious Destinies. There are 2 Bloods in Man and Life lives in both of them: the Red Blood cell, Erythrocytes that carries life-Oxygen. The White Blood cell Lymphocytes carries your protection and defense (your Spiritually inner defense too). That's why when they want to catch a man they'll send a woman to him. Spam is Blood; Sperm cells are white Blood cell. The more you waste it unnecessarily, the more defenseless you (and your Glory) become to microbes and even spiritual scavengers. Even when you masturbate, a demon stands beside to harvest good things that comes out of your Life through the secretion. For doubters, a demon called Moloch and/or his minions are always on ground beside those committing aborting to harvest the spiritual virtues in the blood during the abortion process, Google it.

Christians are not performing miracles as of old because most are losing the Power to so by being indiscipline Satan knows that Power from the CREATOR starts entering a Believers life when he accepts Jesus. He knows that that Life Force from the CREATOR builds us in the Christian blood, especially those Christians that ask God for it, or pray for Power to Change their Generation for good. So, over the years he has devised and mastered the trick of using sex to steal those Power by using his agents. He would wait for a Christian brother to fast and pray for Power from above. As soon as ALMIGHTY GOD answer the brother prayer, satan would send his agent to hijack the me Authority through sex.

I've not seen any one that genuinely totally submitted to GOD and regret it later, unless those self-deceiving Christians. Like myself, most of my genuine Christian mates are doing fine now.
Unless you are married, abstinence makes you spiritually Strong and invincible.
To run away from sin is not a favour to GOD but a sure protection for your Glory and Destiny.
I remember when I newly made up my mind not only to be genuinely bornagain but to take full charge of my Destiny, after like 2 months of no sex, I would be feeling horny. Unholy suggestions came, like:

1. "If u r afraid of Satan hijacking your Glory through those girls, why not just let go on and ejaculate when you dream? It's so sweet na!"
2. "You are missing the sweet feeling of ejaculation now, whenever those ur beautiful Exes call you and u r alone, just listen to the sweet voice, be horny and release"
3. "Biologically, too much sperm is not good for you."
I fought those thoughts tooth and nail, I refused to bulge. What actually helped was that I was inwardly and audibly repeating the Bible verse: Romans 6:14 "Sin shall NOT have dominion over You!" and Roman 12:2. Never stop, never give up on "reNewing your Mind" renewal of the Mind is the KEY to live free from sin. Our GOD is a Speaking GOD. Chanting those Scriptures as if they are Incantations really helped me. If you conquer the Battle at the thought Level, you've conquered the Battle on all Levels"
I refused to wallow in the fact that my Mind was still so impure, so I frantically searched for how to prevent dirty thoughts from entering my heart. I read several books and listened to several tapes on how control my Thoughts. Then I read "HE Came to Set The Captives Free" by Rebecca Brown and discover how demons inject personalized thoughts, the ex-satanist reveal so much secret that they've tried too hard to kill her, also scandalize her. Holy Spirit also told me to starve the demons to death, "releasing your sperm outside marriage is handing over your Protection to your enemy".

Ever since I stopped being spiritually stupid, I grew from being a child of GOD to a Son of GOD. Among several Miracles that YAHWEH ALMIGHTY has done through me, the very first one I remembered was the instruction HE gave me during 3 days personal Vigil. HE said I should order a tree that has been long dead back to life. So, each morning of the 3 days vigil, I stopped by the dead tree and decree that it should come alive. I was awed by the 4th morning when I got to the tree as truly saw fresh leaves sprouting out. Everybody were surprised to see the tree come back to life, but only the guy that were living with me knew what happened. It really strengthened our Faith in ALMIGHTY GOD. My people, YAHWEH ALMIGHTY is very real! Decide to permanently live to please your CREATOR and you will never regret you did.

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