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Get to know korean beauty tips.

Forum 10 years ago

Get to know korean beauty tips.

shared byKim Min AiSuZy BaeKoreans spend a great deal of time and money innurturing their skin and are known to be very skin conscious. In fact, Koreansapproach to makeup is very different from ours; the flawless Korean make up is much more technologically advanced than western cosmetics orcosmetics produced in other Asian countries. In normal circumstances, we wait for the cosmetics to add the magic touch to the skin and give it an even toned look. We all search for the right BB crème or perfect foundation to conceal the skin flaws and make the skin look beautiful. In Korea, the person who is using the cosmetic should work hard to get the perfect look. Applying the base makeup in Korean means ‘expressing your skin’ and the effort that they put in applying the makeup. What Koreans believe is perfection, so they make slow and deliberate movements while applying cosmetics. So if you don’t have accessto Korean cosmetics, don’tworry, just take enough time to apply cosmetics on your face and use the rich technique. Since cosmetics on its own can’t create miracle, the application matters.

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