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MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 96

Episode 7 years ago

MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 96

I smiled mischievously becos i knew and felt she has drank it,there’d be no hindrance to my plan,now that she’s weak and limped,i thought and chuckled,now my plan A can push through…..I began feelin pains everywhere to the extent that i couldnt move and felt weak and tired,my face was pale,my hands were cold like icy-snow while the rest of my body to my head was hot like mercury,i sat up as my Gio kept askin me question upon questions n had to lie becos wasnt sure if its was the drink i took or not,he wanted to take me to the hospital but i refused,fed me which i ate,gave me drugs which i refused,he was so carin and concerned about me which made me felt like a queen and tried dissuadin him from not goin to school becos i was havin a bad feelin that somethin bad’ll happen today after i drank it last night and started havin the feelin by 12am on dot,he just laughed it off and told me nothin’ll happen,i begged him to stay back but didnt listened to me,left my room and drove out of the compound.

I was angry with her becos she told me not to go to school becos she felt somethin bad’ll happen to me today which i dont believe,besides who’d wanna hurt me when i’m a gentle and easy-goin young guy who doesnt look for others trouble,i felt she was lyin becos i thought she didnt want me to see my Kara today and wanted me to spend the whole day with her becos she was sick which cant be possible…………..i thought my death was near and wished to see Leon but wasnt here as i sobbed quietly becos Gio didnt answer me and doesnt want anythin bad to happen to him becos i wont be able to take it…………..I was so happy when Gio told me that Merida was sick and was hopin in my mind that her sickness should consume her to death so that i wont see her again and told me not to tell his friends so that they wont come visitin her but i told my friends whom were happy and decided to celebrate it and cursin her in our minds for death to take her away like that so that the world can be left for us alone.

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MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 95

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MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 97

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