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MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 91

Episode 7 years ago

MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 91

I was alone again in the house,my Gio has gone for a date,Angelo’snt here becos i dont have a phone to call him and Leon hasnt visited since then,i was bored and dull as i slept off and woke up by 2pm,ate my dinner which was popcorns,snacks and pizzas with guiness becos my Gio didnt cook and was watchin t.v when i saw Leon descendin from upstairs with happiness on his face and was holdin the two plastic plates where our bloods were inside,which got me so shocked as he came to gimme a very tight-hug with a peck on my left cheek…………….I got to her hostel by 11:10am,greeted and complimented each other with smiles as i led her to my car not after givin her friends 90k per person since its was her wish,we went to amusement park,bar beach,zoo,took alot of pictures and went to other interestin and excitin places before takin her to the boutique for general shoppin and went to an eatery and ordered for expensive foods and drinks which got some stares and gossips before startin eat and gist.

I was like’whats wrong with him?’ before yankin myself off him”its seems you and Gio’re gettin close this days”he replied smilin,sittin down on the sofa and was eatin my pizzas”yes,we’re gettin close,that was how i managed to take his blood becos he agreed”i explained calmly as i resumed my eatin”hmmm,dont trust him too much becos he might betray you”he replied”he cant betray me Leon becos his heart’s pure towards me”i replied convincinly”okay,if you say so”he replied grinnin before discussin alot about my school life and Kara……..We were still eatin when i brought the conversation”when’s Merida gonna leave your house,baby?”i asked smilin”she’d be leavin by june”he replied”why june?we’re still in jan,it’s too far!why cant she leave now?!”i complained”she cant becos her parents sent her to me to begin her studies here in Lagos since she was my pen pal n after that she leaves,so please dear try and understand”he explained calmly”okay then,whatever but tell her not to pass her boundary”i replied.

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MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 90

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MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 92

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