MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 85
MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 85
As i was still goin,i met a guy and a girl discussin,the guy was holdin her hands and starin deeply into the girl’s eyes as though wanted to kiss her as she was talkin and stared at the both of them from afar,smiled and walked away…..We paused walkin becos its was time for me to spill the bean to my Gio since his friends werent here although only few people were seen walkin to and fro”baby,i wanna tell you the suprise now”i replied smilhn”okay,go on”he replied anxiously,starin into my eyes which made me forgot where to start from becos i was shy and nervous”i’m sorry for keepin you waitin all this while,i’m love in with you and yes!!!i wanna be your girlfriend for real!!,i love you,Gio”i replied and breathed down a sigh of relief,he didnt say anythin becos he was starin blankly at me until he spoke”i never stopped lovin you,Kara,i love you baby”he replied smilin,wrapped his hands round my waist n cuddled me to his chest,givin me a mind blowin kiss which got some student’s attention and stares.
I continued walkin,smilin and wavin to people who doesnt know me and like me,many ignored me and few waved back,as i was goin,i halted becos i was very shocked as i saw my Gio and Kara kissin in front of some students,i felt hurt,unloved and unsafe and wished i was the one he was kissin,i thought in pain and jealousy as i looked at them from behind with an unhappy face and felt like cryin,short of words until i felt a warm hand touch my right shoulder which jolted me out of my thought, looked back nd saw that it was none other than Angelo who saw them and ignored them as i stared at his face confusely”its okay,lets go”he murmured and pulled me away,took me to a safer and quiet place where there was only me and him nd wept quietly on his brood chest as he cuddled and pet me,i felt weak and lost becos my Gio now belongs to Kara not me,i love him so much but he doesnt,care for him but he rarely do that.i sobbed for awhile before i got hold of myself although i was still in his arms,like a lost kid.
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