MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 83
MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 83
I couldnt sleep becos i was thinkin of what to do to Merida,now that i know she’s mysterious and would do anythin to torment her life,i was determined to continue my investigations about her,i know i’m kinda gettin close becos first,she hates eatin fish,second,she flared up when the waters touched her legs which made me suspect that she was hidin somethin,somethin secretive which i’d find out soon and expose her………I couldnt sleep becos i was thinkin about Merida,as to why Angelo’d give her a gift,wasnt it met to be my idea?since she was livin with me and not Angelo,i felt somehow and frightened,i just hoped that Angelo doesnt fall for her sha…….I couldnt sleep becos i was thinkin of my Gio,i just wish someday he’ll notice and love me more than the way he loves Kara and as for Kara,i’ll just have to be careful with her becos its seems she finds me weird and curious to know more about me which i wont allow becos i dont trust her,i thought and smiled after which i drifted off to sleep.
I woke up the next day by 7:30am becos lectures start 10:30am,did the housechores,prepared our breakfast which was spagetthi and eggs,had my bath,dressed up neatly and came downstairs to eat my breakfast…..I couldnt do the housechores becos my Gio has done it andhad my bath,wore a white-shortsleeved-roundneck top reachin half of my shoulder,long pink flay skirt coverin half of my legs,white moccassin shoes,gold s--d earrins,gold necklace,pink handbag and packed my hair in a french braid and descended downstairs,went to the dinnin table met him eatin and chattin on his phone which made him not to notice my presence becos he was engrossed in it and greeted him,answered but didnt look at me.i just ignored him n began eatin n was starin at him at intervals but was avoidin my gaze pretentiously,its was when i called his name twice and he answered n gave me a blank stare,short of words but ignored him till we left 4 school even though he kept starin at me blankly which made me shy and nervous beside him.
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