MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 78
MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 78
I went to my class with a moody face becos i just received a call from Kara that she wouldnt come for lectures but’ll meet me at the library and tried questionin her but told me nothin happended and felt sad…..I didnt come for lectures becos Afrosky told me not to becos we were havin a short meetin in my room together with my friends and we were discussin about Merida becos i brought up the topic.He told us that he wants Merida and how she slapped him and i also told him that she loves Gio and wants him to eliminate her which he promise to carry out the operation when the time’s rite together with his boys becos they’d also take part in the rapin process,he was aware about my relationship with Gio becos i do give him his share whenever Gio gives me money or i ask for it n was also d one who told me to use my friendship 2 extort money from Gio.we discussed alot based on Merida excludin my special secret investigations about her becos i find her mysterious n curious to knw who she really is
I took the rose flowers and was about to sit when a white paper fell down and picked and opened it which says”you’re my sunshine,have a nice day Merie,i love you from…..”i blushed and smiled becos its was my first time of receivin a romantic letter and thought of showin it to Gio and Leon later when Angelo spoke”you can dispose them if you want afterall your secret admirer is stupid to have send those,right?”no,dont talk like that!i’d love see my secret admirer,they’re beautiful”i replied and scent the fragrance of the flower which made me sneeze thrice and was about to talk when the lecturer came in,smilin at me profusely which made me shy…..I was bored and dull and needed someone to talk to since Kara’snt here and Merida was with Angelo,i missed her gist n jokes becos i needed it to break boredom.the class ended successfully with an impromptu test which i wrote anyhow becos of Kara n was uncertain if i’ll pass it or not,i thought as i submit and left the class unhappily,hopin 2 bump into Kara.
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