MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 68
MERIDA{The Mystery Mermaid} - Season 1 - Episode 68
I was about to explain myself and tell him about the guy i bumped into earlier,i felt remorseful and began to sob quietly and sniffed in the livin room,its wasnt my fault but his becos he wasnt helpin matters at all instead makin it worse and as for Kara i’ll try my best to relate with her if that would make my Gio happy even though i dont like her attitude towards me,i thought and wiped my light tears and went to my room with hunger killin me seriously since i dont know how to cook…..I got to my hostel with a moody face and saw my friends eatin,i narrated everythin about what Merida did today with laughter at intervals,i told them how scared i was and they advised me to say’yes’ to Gio this thursday and should ignored her and that i should leave the rest to them and that i should play my role very well.i planned on introducin her to them tomorrow though i had my own separate plans for her but didnt tell my friends becos I determined makin her life miserable until she leaves my Gio alone.
The next day was a tuesday and woke up by 8am becos i’m havin class by 10:30am,i did the house chores,had my bath,brushed my teeth not after lickin the toothpaste and wore a white armless top reachin half of my shoulder,black pencil jean trouser,spiral gold necklace on my neck,black treckers,white backpack,dot gold earrings and made my hair in a french pleat and descended downstairs but got shocked when i saw Gio at d dinnin table,eatin noddles n eggs with mirinda bt gave me a blank stare and frowned when he saw me approachin the dinnin table and greeted him thrice but didnt answer me n grimaced at me.i was about usin my left hand to eat when he tapped my hand”you’re too adamant,stop usin your hand to eat afterall there’s a fork near you”he replied smilin”but i’m not used to it”i explained calmly”you’ve to Mer,if you dont want me yellin at you daily”he replied grinnin and i concured and ate my food quietly but never stopped givin me a blank stare whenever our eyes met and later left home for school.
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