Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 121
Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 121
“what if she doesn’t want you” Kirana asked lowly.
“I..i.. don’t know actually, but as long as I can tell her how I feel I’ll be okay, I guess” I said.
“okay, then what if she rejects you and accepts Leo?” Kirana asked which made me a little surprised.
“she rejecting me is a very possible situation, but why would she accept Leo, does he have feelings for her, is anything going on between them?” I asked and she sighed and stood up.
“well see… Mason lately you’ve been lying in this bed and not knowing what is going on, Leo and pen have been hanging out together lately and well… I don’t know how to say this but.. I think they’re one step away from being a couple cause, these last few days I’ve become Leo’s diary and he like tells me everything we text each other like every night and he tells me how he’s been interacting with Penny lately and to my own point of view, I think he might have a thing for pen, I’m not suppose to tell you this since I promise him not to say anything to anyone but you’re my friend and I love you,.. No who I’m I kidding I totally hate you but Pen’s your friend and I love pen and she loves you so I which means I do to, but what I’m trying to say here is, get rid of those feelings cause you’re going no where without them.” she explained but I didn’t like what I was hearing, I thought Pen was just working as a normal cook in his house, I thought he’d be this bossy boss who would have nothing to do with his employee cause the last time I was with the two of them they never really talked to each other much, but what I didn’t remember is that pen is a sweet and sensitive lady, any one can fall for her easily. He may have fallen for pen but I don’t think she would fall for him,.. No she can’t.
“look Kira, I know you like that Maxwell guy, how do you feel when he’s close to you?” I asked.
“it’s weird that you’re asking me that and it’s also weird that I’m answering that, but anyways, I feel really happy, really loved and really special” she replied
“that’s how I feel when I’m with Pen” I smirked and she gave me a sympathetic look, that’s what I wanted I also want to buy Kirana’s pity, cause she’s like pen other half, even though they’re both different people.
“so please help me be with her” I added and she moved back a bit.
“I don’t think she would want that Mace”.
“I know, well but please try to say something nice about me to her and I need you to help me confess my feelings to her, I’m not the brave type when it comes to confession” .
“mason, I am not going to help you confess your feelings to her cause I’m not the one inlove with her, but I am going to see what I can do including saying nice things about you.” Kirana said before a sigh and I smiled. “thank you” I said and pulled her in a hug but she pushed me away.
“never hug me again.” she warned.
“hey we’ve hugged before and I didn’t know why I did that either so don’t think I did that on purpose I wasn’t thinking straight, it’s not like you’re some kind of great celebrity that I want to hug, you’re just some cr–
“try insulting me and me helping you is off the chart” she interrupted me and quickly stopped talking.
“I’m sorry” I smiled and she rolled her eyes.
“anyway I have to get going” she said. .
“going where? To see Maxwell” I asked
“to meet Penelope” she said sternly.
“I see her once in a while and I miss her and also I have to help you too even though it irritates me that I’m doing so, today’s my only free day I have to go to work tomorrow, so good day” she said and her phone starts to ring immediately.
“oh Maxwell’s calling” she said and glance at me smiling before picking the car. She waved bye to me before walking out.
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