Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 110
Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 110
“Geez. Pen you’re burning up” he said, why would my body be hot when I feel so cold, I wanted to tell him but it feels like my life depended on sleeping like right away. “I think you have a fever” I hear him say and that was the last thing I heard him say before falling asleep.
I woke up and my head was still pounding and I still felt cold, my vision was blurry but I cleaned my eyes and sat properly, I touched my body and noticed it was still pretty hot. My vision became clear and I noticed myself on a huge round bed, fancy and huge, the walls were silk gold paintings and the curtains were to die for, it was gold and thick, the ground were golden tiles I think and in the middle of the room was a black or purple rug that covered the golden floor.. The room was a bit dark due to the closed windows but you could still see how Rich, beautiful and fancy it is . .
I was about coming down from the bed when the door opened and the room lights were turned on revealing the complete beauty of the room and I selfishly wished my apartment could be like this.
“oh thank goodness you’re awake” Leo said with a glass of water in his hand. “you kind of scared me though, I mean you just suddenly fell asleep and I thought you were kind of dead” he said and laughed to himself. He walked up to me and gave me the glass of water.
And I gave him a “what’s-this-for?” look.
“I just came back from the hospital not too long ago and I explained your situation to a doctor and he said you have a mere fever and it nothing to worry about and he prescribed some pills for me, well you…” he said and chuckled at his mistake, he opened his golden drawer and brought out a plastic bag and I don’t know why everything’s mostly gold in his room.
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