Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 103
Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 103
I dropped my hand down and sighed while Kirana just looked at me weirdly.
“is something going on between the two of you cause lately you guys seem close and now on the phone is something wrong cause the way he sounds and the way you reply it’s just sound as if something off” Kirana Explained.
“well nothing’s going on between us don’t get the wrong idea Ira” I said and she eyed me for calling her Ira.
“you.. just keep lying to me, but don’t worry I have spies watching you and Leo’s every move” she said playfully and I rolled my eyes “Yeah right.”
“Oh you think I’m joking, then how do I know that you both went to the amusement parks together, rode on a rollercoaster, and you puked, and also Leo won a teddy bear for you which you named Leopenny.” Kirana explained and I gasped.
How did she know all of this.
“a teddy bear? Leopenny?” Mason repeated and Kirana nodded at him. If she knows all of this then why didn’t she know that Leo kissed me.
“I think someone told you all this” I tell her.
“no I was there myself I saw everything” she said loudly folding her hands.
“if you were there when we named the teddy Leo Penny then you should have known it didn’t ended there” I primped.
“what? Did anything happen after that?” she asked holding me.
“I thought you knew everything” I laughed.
“well nothing happened I was just lying” I lied and she rolled her eyes.
She, Mason and I talked for a while, well mostly Kirana and I did the talking cause Mason seemed lost in some kid of thoughts. Well after that I bid both of them goodbye and head home straight at Leo suggested.
I got to my apartment and inserted my key into the lock. I opened my door and walked in but paused when I saw Leo sitting at the edge of my bed.
“what are you doing here?” I almost screamed that out and he looked up and stood up.
“oh you’re here” he smiled
“how did you get in?” I asked closing the door.
“I kind of have a master keys that opens any lock” he said bringing out a fancy key from his pocket. I sighed and walked passed him and place my purse on my pillow.
“okay what are you doing here?” I asked packing my hair up.
“I’m here to apologize” he stated and I paused and look at him.
“apologize for what?”
“for my rude remarks and yelling this morning” he said
“oh that, I totally forgot about that.” I said and his brows arched at me.
“no you haven’t forgot about that cause you’re kind of avoiding me since that” he said and I walked closer to him, “okay fine I kind of was, and I apologize to,” I said and he smiled making his dimple appear.
“so still friends?” he asked
“yeah” I replied.
“not the boss to employed friendship cause I don’t like that” he said and I laughed.
“of course not, we’re normal friends real friends” I laughed and he smiled.
“so I’m about making dinner, you joining?” I asked.
“wouldn’t miss it” .
I made dinner and Leo and i ate it together watching TV, instead of sitting around the dining table sitting and eating properly I was sitting on the floor and he was sitting at the edge of my bed, we were both eating and laughing Hard because of the comedy movie marathon we were watching.
Not knowing it was late we were still watching the movie laughing, we’ve finished our dinner like since forever and before we know it the movie ended.
“finally what a movie” I said standing up and grabbing my plate and Leo’s. I gasped when my eyes fixated at the wall clock.. It was 11:50pm
“Leo, it’s almost twelve midnight aren’t you going home” I asked and he shrugged. “maybe?”
“maybe? Don’t think you’re having a sleepover here cause I won’t allow that” I said and he smiled. “well how about a slumber party?” he beamed and I rolled my eyes.
“it’s the same thing you doofus” I said and he laughed which also came with a heavy yawn.
“you can see I’m already sleepy so how do you expect me to drive” he murmured and la!d his back on my bed sighing.
“I don’t care, leave before I get back” I said walking into the kitchen, I washed the dishes we used for dinner and after Cleaning my kitchen I washed my hands and walked out.
“you haven’t left yet?” I almost yelled when I saw Leo still laying on my bed. He didn’t say anything so I just walked up to him and paused when I found out he was asleep.
“Leo?.” I called softly and shook his hand.
“are you asleep” I asked softly and sighed when I touched his hand and he let out a heavy breath.
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