Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 83
Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 83
The day ran by pretty fast and before I knew it, I was thanking Leo and making my way out of his house.
“take care” he waved with a smile as I closed his door,
I caught the bus and made my way home, thankfully Leo had transferred my salary for this month to my account and I can’t wait to make my apartment feel more like a home.
I got home and this time and I didn’t even dare to look at the stairs I just walked in the elevator.
I got to the last floor and finally I was at my doorstep, I brought out my key from my purse and unlocked the door walking in.
I almost walked out of my apartment cause it didn’t seem like mine, so I had to check if I was in the right room and yes I was cause my room number is 207 and it was right, my pictures were still hanging on the wall but aside from that I couldn’t see my TV anymore, I could only see a big plasma vojio TV , and my bed too, wasn’t the single bed I use to snuggle myself in but a huge bed big enough to contain three people, and also taking a lot of space in my not so big apartment. I turned to my kitchen and I gasp as I saw the huge fridge that stood firmly at a corner before you walk in the kitchen, and from the room I could see a shiny microwave that la!d beautifully on my kitchen counter. Inside the kitchen
I gasped so loudly almost making my tongue fall back in my throat when I saw a washing machine at the entrance of my balcony.
Who could have done all of this, and how did the person get all this in when I locked my door.
Is it Richard? I thought
But he doesn’t know I need all this. Just as I was rampaging on who did all this I got a text from Leo
Could it be him. I thought
LEO: *are you home?* I read.
ME: *yeah what’s it to you*
LEO: *did you notice any change in your new apartment*
So he’s the one.
ME: *so.. You did all that?”
LEO: *yeah, you’re welcome*
ME: *but this is all just too much* I texted back and waited for some time before I got his message..
LEO: *there’s nothing too much about all that, I got you a fridge so you could have cold drinks and preserve your meal, I got you a new TV cause watching from small TV can make the film boring, I got you a microwave so you could Heat up some fast foods, and I bought you a washing machine so your hands can be free from your laundry, and I bought you a bigger bed so you could not only sleep with so much space around but you can also share… ;)*
I gasped as I read his message.
This guy is unbelievable..
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