Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 62
Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 62
“yeah, all Thanks to dad” I said. And thanks to Leo too but I better leave him out of this cause my mom doesn’t know who he is and I don’t have the strength to explain who he is to her.
“I can’t believe my daughter’s all grown up, I can still remember the first time you started walking and now you’ll be leaving home, I couldn’t be more proud Pen” my mom said and I smiled at her.
“so? Is there anything you’d like me to get for you, like a microwave, or a mini fridge or a–
“it’s okay mom, I’ can get all those myself,” I smiled.
“okay. I can’t believe it’s going to only just me and your father tomorrow” my mom breathed out.
“I can still stay here tomorrow, like sleep here if I don’t get everything done by tomorrow” I tell my mom and she nods.
“okay well do you want me to help you with anything? Should I help you in gathering your stuffs?” she offered but I shook my head negatively,
“no it’s okay, I’m almost done I don’t really have much stuff here” I tell my mom and she nods and walked to the door. “okay then since you don’t want me to help you with anything, how about I help you book up a pick up truck tomorrow” my min said and I smiled
“that would be nice mom thanks,” I said and she smiled and walked away.
I continued with packing my stuff and like I expected I got a call from Mason, he calls me like every night before going to bed, its not like its a bad thing though, it just keeps me kind-of connected to him.. Since I was busy I just placed the phone on my bed and switched it to speaker, so I can hear him from where I was seated,. We talked about a lot of things, he made me laugh a lot and he made me feel lively and I got more strength to pack my stuff and before I know it, it was only my bed and closet that occupied my room the rest were lying inside the cardboard boxes. He told me he changed the date he’s coming back, he told me he’s coming tomorrow instead of next week and I just wished him a safe journey and hang up before going to bed.
The next morning, I woke up and stretched like never before, I looked around my room and almost freaked out when I noticed all my stuff was gone but then I calmed down when I let my mind travel back to Memory Lane of last night. I breathed out a sigh of relief and sat down properly, I noticed something stuck to my forehead and when I touched it, it felt like a piece of paper, I removed it from my forehead and noticed it was a note from my mom.
Classic mom. She couldn’t find a better place to stick her messages note but my forehead, I set the paper before my eyes and read what was written there.
“honey the pickup truck comes here, at exactly twelve pm on the dot and make sure you get ready for it and stay healthy, love you,.. Mom” I dropped the note on my bed and rolled my eyes, she’s such a mother.
I went to my parent’s room to take my bath, cause I already cleared out my towels from my own bathroom so I had to use my mom’s..
After taking my bath, I went back to my room, which won’t be my room anymore after today, I guess.
I changed into something nice and took my boxes downstairs one and by one and waited for the pickup truck.
Finally the stupid truck arrived with me after waiting for hours.. I got to fix my boxes in the truck all by my self, the driver didn’t even lend me a hand..
//fαst forwαrd//
The truck safely delivered my stuff to my new apartment and I also got a new key for the apartment also. Just as I stood at the front of the building thinking of how to carry the boxes up there to last floor. I heard a loud voice call my name and someone suddenly hugged me..
“h-hey Olivia..” she’s so loud.
“is today your moving day?, are you finally going to move in today, do you want me to help you move those boxes to your apartment?” she asked happily
“yeah thanks, I was actually looking for someone to help me with that” I said nicely and she grinned.
Thanks to Olivia, my stuff got to my new apartment and I couldn’t stop thanking her, she wanted to help me clean but I thanked and told her what she’s done is okay but she disagreed and then I came with the idea of pretending to be hungry and just like I expected she hurried to a store down town to get me food. Just as she left I started to clean my apartment,
My new sweet home.
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