Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 45
Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 45
I got in his house and removed my boots beside the door, I walked up to the couch and threw my purse there.
“hey.. good morning” I heard Leo’s voice behind me and I turned swiftly, I saw him coming down the stairs, his hand dipped in his pockets, him looking good ‘as always’ and a suspicious smile today.
“someone’s feeling Happy today, what’s with the smile?” I asked sweetly..
“oh just letting yesterday’s memory replay over and over again” he replied..
“really? What happened” I asked inquisitively.
His yesterday was good. I really do want to know what happened, I remembered mine, I was on my bed all day stuffing my face with peach pie my mom made and watching TV as the rain fell heavily…
“I was about going out as usual since it was Sunday, when I got an unexpected visitor,.. Harmony.” Leo said and I gasped.
“no way”
“oh yes way,.. She walked in furiously without me telling her to come in, she firstly looked around the house before turning back to me, and breaking out a simple hi, I returned her greetings and she remained quiet, I didn’t know why she came here but I was ready for whatever she has to say, but luckily to my surprise she didn’t say anything, she just looked around my house one more time and I just let her do so, and then she found your scarf, lying on the couch, the one you accidentally left here on Saturday–”
“and I almost broke my house down looking for it, well anyway continue..” I tell him, I want to know where this story unfolds. Harmony may seem tough and all, but I know she’s never tough.
“well seeing your scarf, she picked it up and asked for the owner but I didn’t tell her, and the next thing she said was “seems like you’ve moved on faster than I can ever imagine”
“well so you want me to still crawl in your shadows, wash your feet and beg you to come back to me.” I tell her but she didn’t say or do anything, but just let out a tired sigh.
“look Leo just because we’ve broken up doesn’t mean we’re enemies, how about we grab lunch together sometimes..” she said nicely to me and I didn’t know how to hold in my smile anymore so I just nodded swiftly, “and since this scarf doesn’t have an owner, I’ll hold onto it for a while” she said and was about walking away but I had to stop her and tell her it belongs to you..
“Oh Leo don’t lie to me., you and Penelope doesn’t rhyme and I know you’re just saying she’s the owner of this scarf just because you want to make me jealous, but what do I care, ..anyway I’ll see you another time.” she said, pecked me and walked out. And seriously I couldn’t believe all that happened.” Leo explained and I laughed a bit
“she totally wants you back.” I breathed out.
“you think so?” Leo asked and I rolled my eyes.
“seriously Leo, don’t tell me you’re that dumb, she clearly said ‘how about we grab lunch sometime, and us breaking up doesn’t mean we’re enemies.. Doesn’t that give you any clue that she wants you back and she’s currently begging,” I explained and Leo smiled.
“wow.” he breathed out.
“but if she do ever comes back, are you going to accept her back into your life” I asked lowly and he nods with small smile. “you really love Harmony, don’t you?” I asked teasingly.
“I really do” he said.
“but if Richard wants to ever come back to you, will you sleepy him” he asked and I sighed and looked away.. “he does want to come back to my life” I said.
“well. Will you accept him?” Leo asked cautiously.
“I want to accept him but I’m afraid, I don’t want what happened last time happen again, if not for Mason, I would have committed suicide on my wedding day, cause that day I just felt like a fool when he said he doesn’t want to get married to me” I said lowly staring at the floor.
“sorry.. Leo mumbled but I quickly brightened up so I wouldn’t cry.. “so. What do you want me to make for you this morning” he asked.. “whatever you think is good” Leo added and I nod and walked to the kitchen.
Leo and I sat down quietly at the dining table eating breakfast. The tension between us before would be awkward but now it’s seems normal. Cause I’m so used to it.
“I know you don’t like it when someone talks and eat, but I have to ask this… I know you’re looking for an apartment here in Breek, have you seen one?.” he asked.
“no” I breathed out
“Do you want me to help you look for one?” he asked,
“no it’s okay” I tell him
“oh okay!” he said with a frown.
I was doing the dishes when I got a call from Kirana and picked up at the second ring cause I had to clean my wet hands.
“hey!” I breathed out.
“hi.. How’s your day going?” she asked from the other line.
“good. Yours?” I asked
“not so good I’ve got loads of work waiting at my desk and I’m afraid to step into my office, I called you so you can cheer me up before working, you know like giving me a little morale” Kirana said and I chuckled.
“what? So I’m like your work cheerleader?” I said sarcastically.
“yeah.. You should be proud” Kirana said and I sighed.
“crazy girl” I breathed out.
“you can never find someone crazier than me.. Oh so have you heard from Mason since he went to Texas?” Kirana asked.
“you knew he went to Texas?” I asked surprisingly.
“yeah he told me the day he left, you didn’t know?”
“I didn’t I had to find out from Amanda this morning”
“I thought you’re like his buddy-girl cause he tells you everything, I thought you’d be the first person to know”
“well maybe he forgot, and lost his phone cause Amanda hasn’t heard from him too” I said.
“well maybe, and even though he’s kind of stupid and annoying sometimes I still kind of miss him” Kirana said and I smiled.
“yeah me too” I admitted.
“anyway, I’m stepping into my office wish me luck.” Kirana said.
“good luck” I said nicely.
“your good luck just made it more impossible cause I think more papers are being put on my desk, anyway I got to go, tell Leo I said hi” Kirana said and hung up.
I carefully dropped my phone and continued with the dishes and I finished in no time. I grabbed my phone and was about to walk out of the kitchen but bumped my head into Leo’s chest at the entrance of the kitchen.
“sorry.” we both apologized at the same time and laughed a bit.
“how long you been standing here?” I asked, placing my into my pocket cause it almost fell when I bumped into him.
“since you came in” he said honestly, I can’t believe he’s been standing here watching me and listening to Kirana and I conversation.
“why?” I asked, it’s like he’s following me around.
“I guess I just don’t like being alone” he smiled.
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