Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 34
Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 34
The next morning, I woke up late as usual since there was no alarm waking me up again. I got dressed, ate and got ready for my job hunt which I thought it would be easy..
Well it wasn’t easy, after going here and there asking for different jobs from different restaurants to be a cook, cause I’m a cook. And its what am good at.. I don’t think I can do anything right aside from cooking.
Anyways after going here and there, I finally settled down in a coffee shop cause I couldn’t take the heat anymore, I needed something to drink so I could continue my hurtful job hunt journey.
Just as I placed my order on getting a coffee with extra foam, I heard my name and looked up to see Leo, smiling and sitting down opposite me.
“Leo! Hi” I said cheerfully
“wow, I thought after the fire outbreak in the restaurant we wouldn’t see each other so much, but I think the universe has it own way of working things out, we meet each with other like everywhere we go” he said happily.
“so, what are you doing here?” he asked calmly,
“remember when I mentioned about searching for a job yesterday?” I asked and he nods.
“yeah that’s what I’m doing, I’m on break now”
“well how is it going” he asked.
“not good at all, I’ve been to like fifteen restaurant, asking to be a cook but apparently none of needed more of cooks.. And gosh it’s tiring” I complained and sighed after it.
“wait! I do have a lot of companies, and I could get you a job there” he said with a smile.
“no thanks, I don’t do companies, cooking is my thing, it’s like I’ve got gifted hands for cooking and I love doing it” I said looking at my hands, and not knowing why..
“okay then how about you be my private chef” he said making me look up at him.
“private what?” I asked blinking rapidly.
“my private chef, like my own cook in my house” he replied,
“uhm.. How can I be your private chef when you don’t even stay at home, who’ll get to eat what I cook, rats?, so I’m passing this one” I said and he laughed.
“well, strangely and lately I’ve been staying home since the restaurant got burnt, and I learned that living without harmony is not bad as I thought” he explained and I smiled,
“good for you”
“so what?”
“will you still be my private chef?” he asked.
“how much will I be earning a month” I returned the question
“name your price and I’ll pay you” he said making me me smile. Okay this is a good start, I can start working and get my own apartment!! This is so nice..
“well Leo, you’ve got yourself a chef” I said and a waiter walked up to me and placed my coffee in front of me.
What took him so long.
“so deal?” Leo said bringing his hand forward.
“oh it’s a deal!” I said and shook his hand happily.
“so when do I start working?” I asked
“whenever you want” he replied
“how about tomorrow” I grimaced
“tomorrow’s perfect” he smiled
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