Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 23
Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 23
“pass me the ice-blocks” Jimmy said to Randee, who completed didn’t hear what he was saying or who chose to ignore..
“Randee?!!” I called this time louder than Jimmy’s so she can hear me..
“what?” she turned to us.
“you’re not paying attention to anything but your phone and that’s pretty dangerous, when cooking you have to be focused or else something might go wrong” I said strictly and she rolled her eyes.
“don’t lecture me I know what am doing” she stated and I sighed.
“Janet was right, you don’t do anything in here, all you do is play with your phone” I yelled
“look pen, don’t yell at me cause you ain’t my mom..”
“I’m just saying you just focus more on what you’re doing here than your phone”
“what I do is non of you business, like I said, I know what am doing, so back off pencil” Randee said abusively and grabbed the bowl of ice block Jimmy told her to bring.
“here.. Isn’t this what you asked for?” she said shaking it dramatically and unfortunately it slipped from her hand and the ice blocks fell into the boiling oil. Making fire flames come out of the pot and the three of us moved back immediately cause it was bringing out so much smoke.
“quick go get the fire extinguisher” I tell Randee.
“don’t boss me Around” she yells back at me.
“I am not bossing you around, just go get the fire extinguisher, look have what you’ve caused” I yelled
“whatever” she said and walked out immediately.
“what is going on here” Maxwell walked in. “no time to explain we have to get turn off the fire before it could get worse” Jimmy said coughing real hard and so am I cause the smoke was getting to much and we couldn’t see clearly, and sadly a rag beside the pot caught on fire, and spreading a little.
“I’ll go get the fire extinguisher” Maxwell yelled.
“Randee Left al—-
I suddenly passed out.
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