Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 13
Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 13
Maxwell and Leo walked back into the hotel looking a bit wet, but I immediately Turned to Kirana who was talking to me.
“we better get away from this table before the wind carries something heavy and hit the window, killi—-
Kirana hasn’t completed her words when something hit the window smashing the glass real hard and the two of us screamed and left the table with speed. We both burst out laughing cause that was funny but also dangerous..
I snatched my phone from the table and Kirana and backed away slowly, “looks we’re both gonna be here all night if the rain doesn’t stop” Kira said..
“none of us are going to be here if the rain doesn’t stop. So we better get comfy” Maxwell said behind us and we both turned to see him and Leo.
“I wanted to come see my bestie and this happened. D--n it” Kira said and I giggled.
“god I hate being wet” Leo said taking off his jacket and leaving his dry black shirt on.. He pushed his long wet hair back and I quickly looked away cause that was kind of breathtaking and weird.. For me.
“well good thing I’m used to bringing extra clothes I’m taking off all my shirts, Ira care to join me?” Maxwell said playfully with a smile.
“You’ll regret having me join you when something gets missing from your body” Kirana replied and looked down. In between his legs.
“yeah I’m good” he quickly said and walked away.
“that’s what I thought” Kirana breathed out while I giggled, we both sat down at a table not close to any windows or doors, it was the centre of the restaurant and it was way better.
“so… What do you think about Leo?” Kirana asked suddenly and I gave her a look.
“what do you mean by what do I think about Leo?” I re-asked the question and she quickly cleared her throat and said “nothing”
“hey.. Hey… You there..” Kirana said wanting Jimmy’s attention.
“his name is Jimmy” I tell her and she yelled.
“Jimmy!” he flinched turned to us
“get me a glass of orange juice” she said and he nods and walked away,
“orange juice huh?” we heard Leo’s voice said and we looked at him as he slowly sat down
“yep, suddenly I started craving for that” Kirana replied and Leo smiled.
“so how’s Harmony?” Kirana asked.
“harmony’s fine” he replied.
“cool. But pen said you’ve been hanging out here a lot and I don’t think you’ve ever brought her here” Kirana stated, which made Leo narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips together..
“well You See Harmony and I, we’re not together anymore” Leo muttered out lazily.
“oh my gosh. What happened why did you guys break up?” Kirana asked curiously, her lips slightly open.
“well apparently I wasn’t good enough for her.. It was two weeks ago on Saturday actually she just didn’t want me anymore, she told me I wasn’t good enough for her and till today I didn’t know what I did wrong, I gave her all the love and care in this world” Leo said with this sad eyes and for the first time I felt sympathy for him..
“OMG I’m so sorry” Kirana said pitifully
“it’s okay. I’m getting over the loneliness I feel without her..” Leo breathed out and sighed.
“uh– I’ll be right back” Kirana said, stood up and walked away cause she saw Jimmy talking to someone, I know she’s going to yell his head off cause he forgot her orange juice.
Thunder suddenly grumbled as I realise it was Leo and I at the table alone.
“so you and Kirana are pretty close” Leo said looking at me.
“yeah, she’s like an instant sister” I replied and looked away.
“you know, you and I are pretty similar” he started and I looked at him.
“Huh?” I said bewilderingly..
Similar? how?
“Maxwell told me.. The dude who came here and made you cry the other day is your ex Fiancee but he bailed off your wedding, on the wedding day, that’s the same day my harmony broke up with me” Leo explained and sighed.
I didn’t know Maxwell was a blabber mouth..
“and I don’t see how that makes us similar” I said seriously.
“we are, we’re both humans who got heart broken on the same day” he replied and I blinked rapidly and looked away, he’s kind of right but I don’t see how that’s helping any of us.
We both remained quiet and I just looked at my phone while enjoying the sound of the heavy rain, we heard a hard object which hit the window forcefully and I flinched..
“wow. This rain is pretty stormy and dangerous, my mom told me, a tornado rain storm took place when I was born” Leo said and bit my lips, worrying that I’ll yell out of anger and boredom..
Why is he telling me things about him that I don’t want to know, we’re not that kind of “friends” we’re just two people who happens to know each other, weirdly..
“good for you” I muttered very low.. Gritting my teeth.
“are you okay?” he asked.
“I’m just bored” I said and he nods, I looked back but I couldn’t see Kirana anywhere, where the hell is she!!!
“am I boring you?” he asked nicely and I sincerely nod.. “I’m sorry..” I said lowly and he smiled.
“it’s okay, lately I get that a lot, Pete and Liam, my two partners, said I’ve gone soft and boring and I can see it now” he said and I still have an “am-sorry” look..
Kirana suddenly walked up to us looking all red, puffy and happy.
“what happened where’s your orange juice?” I asked her
“what orange juice?” she quickly said and I gave her a weird look.
“the one you asked Jimmy” I help her recalled it and she breathed out an “oh.. Well let’s just forget about that.”..
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