Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 10
Dangerous Romance - Season 1 - Episode 10
I quickly broke the sudden eye contact between Richard and I and turned to my front, I can’t believe he’s here, what the hell is he doing here… Suddenly I could hear my heart beat so fast.. I could see Maxwell staring at me from the counter far away, I didn’t know what to do..
Suddenly I felt his presence beside me, his scent his warmth and Leo suddenly looked up at him wondering who he was. But I didn’t dare to look up at him .
“Pen.” his familiar voice called me and my breathing hitched, this is so not happening no matter how hard I think I’m trying to get over him, I was wrong. With him standing right here beside me, and the way he called my name brought memories of us together. And as always I couldn’t help the tears, I bent my face towards my fingers which was ontop my thigh making my hair cover the sides of my face and I let my tears drop freely into my fingers.
“pen? Can we talk” he said again and this time I sniffed, not saying anything.
“please?” he added but still I didn’t make any attempt to raise my head up.
“Richard I think I’m gonna ask you to leave.” Maxwell’s voice said from nowhere..
“leave? Max I just got here” Richard replied.
“yeah I can see that but can’t you at least just realise whatever you came here to do isn’t working” Maxwell said and Richard sighed.
“pen.. Whenever you’re ready to talk, I’m always around” Richard said and I heard as his boots made a turn and walked away..
“he’s gone now, you can stop crying” Maxwell said and I slowly lift my head, my face, nose eyes, everywhere was covered in tears and I know I’m looking terrible.
Leo stare gave made me chilly, but I looked at Maxwell who held a sympathetic look on his face..
“it’s okay” Maxwell Said and pat my shoulder, I cleaned my tears and nodded.. While he forced a smile… “stay here I’ll get you a glass of water” he said and I nod, not objecting..
I tucked my hair behind my ear and sniffed, I know my nose would have turn red my now.. I glance at Leo who was still staring at me not saying a word, but I ignored his stare and waited patiently for Maxwell, seconds later he appeared beside me with a glass of water and I genuinely took it and chug down the whole thing and gave him back the cup.
“I think you should go home now, it would be closing hours soon, but just go home” Maxwell said and I nod and stood up.
“thank you” I said lowly.
“no problem.. ” he replied and I walked away and went to grab my purse, I removed my apron and walked out of the restaurant. The cool fresh air blew my face hair and body making the huge lump in my throat vanish.. But I still didn’t feel okay.
I walked to the bus-stop slowly and luckily I caught the bus, just as I was paying, I realised I had forgotten my phone back in the restaurant but i didn’t care, maybe Maxwell is going to see it and help me keep it.
I got home but didn’t meet neither of parent at home and somehow it sU-Cks being an only child cause I can’t seem to share my day with anyone, and that’s why Kirana is my best friend but she’s not here all the time she works too.
I went to my room and pull all of my clothes off my body, and before I knew it, I found my self crying under the warm shower inside the bathtub.
I am a stupid weakling..
I’m so fragile, friable and soft and I hate myself for being that way.
I got out of the shower and slipped in my pajamas, I got into the bed and covered myself with my blanket and stare at the TV till I fell asleep..
The next day I woke up by the sound of my morning alarm and I did my morning routine and went to work sadly.. I grabbed my apron from the kitchen and tied it around my body, ready to start today’s work when Maxwell walked in.
“good morning” Randee greeted and so did I.
“morning, so Pen how are you feeling.” he asked
“the same.” I replied
“I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or being genuine, but I’ll take it that you’re okay” he said and I smiled at him, he was about leaving but I called him back and he turned.
“did you happen to see my phone, I left it at the table I sat down yesterday” I said.
“oh yeah I did… But I’m not with it.. Leo took it” he said and I groaned.
“don’t worry he’ll give it to you, he promised me he’d give it to you” Max said and I nodded and turned to the knife in front of me while he walked out.
“have you been noticing that within this few days a guy and his friends are always hanging out here” Randee said and I nod
“yeah I know, apparently he’s the owner of this place” I said sarcastically.. “oh my God! Really? He owns this place and he’s handsome.. D--n it he’s my dream guy” Randee said placing her hand on her chest dramatically, making me laugh a bit.
The littlest thing gets me laughing, and also makes me cry too.
After chopping this, frying that, boiling this , steaming and roasting that… We finally took a break from cooking the whole menu while Janet who’s now okay did her waiting job and started serving the foods we just cooked.
During our break Randee was busy with her phone in the kitchen while I just stared at my purse, I finally stood up to take the trash out and just like I expected, I met Maxwell and Leonard talking.
I looked away and walked passed them and getting to the trash cans I gently place the trash bag beside them and made a turn to get inside, passing Maxwell and Leo’s front my name was called and it was Leo.. And I slowly turned it’s kind of hard facing him cause I seriously embarrassed myself in front of him because of Richard yesterday.. Well whatever it’s not like I’m trying to impress him or something.
“yes?.. I said in a gently mannered way.. Just then Maxwell heard his name and he grunt angrily and stood up to go inside. Being an assistant manager Is not his job.
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