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Her Christmas desire - Season 3 - Episode 21

Episode 5 years ago

Her Christmas desire - Season 3 - Episode 21

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He moved closer to where she knelt and grabbed her arms.

‘I forgive you darling. It’s not going to be easy, but I am willing to walk down that road’. He helped her up her feet.

Tamar blushed; did he just use a pet name for her? Was he trying to send a message across?
‘Thank you, I can’t believe you’d forgive me so easily’. She flung her arms around his neck without thinking.

The man laughed; he couldn’t believe his forgiveness meant this much to her. Still, he was convinced that Tamar had an agenda though not negative. The feel of her soft b-----s sent a shiver down his spine. He had not been with another woman since the divorce. He had remained celibate all these years.
Tamar loved the feel of his hard chest against hers. She loved the musky scent of his cologne; it smelt of tobacco and rosewood. She licked her lips nervously, and wondered what it would be like if they got together again.

Since her divorce, she had not invited any other man to her bed. Benjamin was her first, and she hoped he would be her last.

‘Um, I have to go now. We’ll keep in touch, alright’? Benjamin pulled away from her quickly. He couldn’t risk a hard-on. She could never know he still had feelings for her.
Tamar’s smile was faint. Yes, he had forgiven her, but she wanted more.
‘Benjamin…’ she threw caution to the wind. Even if he humiliated and rejected her, she didn’t care. But she was willing to try.
The man paused and glared into her eyes. The deep wells of her brown eyes were enchanting and had a strong pull on him. He couldn’t look away. In her eyes, sadness no longer dwelt. Instead, he found something that amazed him; desire.

‘Please don’t go. Stay with me in our house. I built this house with the money I got from the designs. I will change my name to yours on the paper. I’ll do anything you want’. Tears gathered in her eyes again.
He was stunned at this new revelation. He knew it! Tamar wanted something from him.
‘Why do you want us to live together? We’re no longer husband and wife, remember’? He tried to crack a joke, but she didn’t laugh.

Tamar exhaled slowly and closed the space between them. She was risking her honor and pride, but it was worth the risk.

‘I am attracted to you. I may have despised you, but since you left, no man has ever shared my bed’.

She watched as his pupils dilated in surprise.
‘You haven’t’? Mr. Benjamin couldn’t believe his ears. Well, assumption was a bad thing.

‘No, how about you? I am sorry I asked’. She blushed.

‘No, it’s fine. I have never been with another Tamar…’ he took a step and grabbed her fingers. It was time for his confession.

For some reason, she felt thrilled by his words. How could a man keep away from other women for so many years? Benjamin was a man of virtue and valor. All she prayed for was a second chance.

‘I have never stopped loving you. Sometimes, I wondered if you’d cast a spell on me, because even when you hurt me the most, I found myself praying for you and the kids’. His eyes bored into hers, reaching to the depth of her soul.

A tear scurried down her cheeks. This was true love in its undiluted form.
‘Please, just one chance to make up for all the things I did. If I fail to honor and love you, please you can walk away without looking back’. Tamar was about falling on her knees, but he fastened his grip on her fingers.
‘I forgive you Tamar. The truth is that I have been dreaming about you these few days. You awakened my desire and I thought running away could solve it’.

‘You did’? Tamar was surprised. Apparently, she wasn’t the only one that was in love.

‘Yes, but enough of that now; I want to show you what you mean to me. Together, we will love and grow older. We would sit by the fireside with our grandchildren and tell them stories of light, our life, and our love’.
Tamar was caught up in her miracle to utter a word.

It didn’t take long before Mr. Benjamin cupped her face between his palms and planted a deep kiss on her lips; one that she enjoyed. It was only a matter of time, before the lovers would let the passion that drove them to rule in the amorous atmosphere. The fire of love was never quenched; the burning coals had been safely hidden for a destined time.

As Elena stepped into the corridor in the main wing, she noticed a movement. At first, she thought she hadn’t seen clearly. But as she moved closer, the figure dressed in black was realer.

A strange s£nsat!on filled her bones. Goosebumps covered a great part of her skin as she saw the figure. Something about it wasn’t right. It scared Elena.
‘Hello’? Elena paused, hoping her mind was playing tricks on her.

The figure didn’t respond. Slowly, it began to float towards the end of the corridor.
‘Hello, wait, who are you’? Elena rushed towards the figure. She hadn’t gone far, when she heard her name from behind. The moment she swirled round, the figure vanished and she was left with Aniekan.
He had been searching everywhere for her.
‘Are you alright? You look like you have seen a ghost’. Aniekan noticed how pale her face was.
Elena wasn’t sure about what she had seen. But she knew she had been brought into the white house for a purpose.

‘Do you believe in ghosts’? Elena blurted out.

Aniekan scoffed, why would she even ask him that?

‘Personally, I don’t. But I hear that spirits of people who were wrongly killed could come back to haunt those that killed them’. He shrugged.

Elena nodded and fell behind him as they both moved towards the car, but deep down, she knew that her mind wasn’t playing tricks on her. There was a higher presence in the white house; she would find the source of that presence.

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Her Christmas Desire - Season 3 - Episode 20

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