Intoxicated romance - Season 1 - Episode 29
Intoxicated romance - Season 1 - Episode 29
Steven: With antonia sitting beside me, i
have the biggest grin on my face.
I feel like holding her hands while i
drive like we did before in Paris but i know I’ll certainly be
rebuked. Antonia probably thinks
i am trying to deceive her again. I must
get her to trust me before these two weeks are over. Speating of
my plan, i already have a welcome
back brunch ready at my house. Chris,
antonia’s brother who is in cohort with me called me at the hospital
to inform me that everything is
set. I drive into the hotel then park my
car carefully. I rush out of the car and open the door for antonia
but she just sit there frowning, making no move to exit the car. “what’s wrong?” i ask her. “i think i sprained my ankle in the hospital awhile ago. I don’t think i can walk on it”she pout at me. “okay, that’s fine. I’ll just carry
you” “you don’t have to, but i won’t
stop you”she says and i pick her
up from the car. Wow, she has added
weight since the last time i carried her. I walk faster so i can get to
the elevator quickly. I breathe a sigh of relief when i get to the
elevator. I am about to go in
when antonia taps my shoulder. “what are you doing?” she asks “taking you upstairs” i answer.
Isn’t it obvious? “you cant use the elevator?” “and why is that?” “i read on the net that it isn’t good
for a pregnant woman to go on elevators. It affects the babies’
lungs”she says and smile
innocently at me. “so, you are saying i should take the stairs?” she nods “to the seventh floor?”she nods
again “carrying you?” “yes Steven. Or you could just take the elevator and I’ll walk up the stairs myself, with my injured
ankle, which hurts”she says but
she makes no move to get down. Ok
Steven, you can do this. She
doesn’t weigh that much. “no. I was just asking to be sure. I can even carry you up 10 floors. Its no problem” i say and head to
the stairwell. I endure and carry antonia up to my suite on the seventh floor. She doesn’t even come down when i reach the door so i
have to maneuver my key card
out of my pocket while trying not to drop
her. I manage to get the door
open. I hear antonia gasp and that when i
remember my surprise brunch. “surprise”i whisper then carry her
to the couch and place her on it gently. Our faces are so close with
her hands around my neck. I
know kissing her would attract a slap so
i just slip her hands off my neck and stand up straight. “so what do you want to start
with?. There are some toast, eggs,
apples, stra-” “I’m not hungry” antonia says
cutting me off and my face falls. “oh, i was going to say strawberry
ice-cream but since you are not hungry, I’ll just throw it away” i
say and i see her eyes light up. She stand up from the couch and smile at me. “on second thoughts, its a sin to
waste food so I’ll just help you un-waste the ice-cream. Where is
it?” she starts walking to the table Chris set in the middle of the
sitting room and i stare at her
back. Isn’t she supposed to be limping?.
Antonia must feel my eyes on her because she turns back “Steven,
come on. Where is the ice-
cream?”she sees my eyes on her leg and she blushes. “antonia, how is your ankle?” i ask “umm. It still hurts a bit but i can manage” “the thought of ice-cream must have magically healed it huh?” “yes. Umm so where is the ice-
cream” she says trying to change
the topic and i chuckle. The little devil
must have deceived me so i would carry her. Anyways, thankfully, the brunch wouldn’t
be wasted. I knew she wouldn’t be able to
resist the ice-cream seeing as she
had woken me up to buy it for her
when we were in Paris. I bring the
big bowl of ice-cream i told Chris to
buy and set it on the table.
Without wasting time, Antonia opens the
bowl and dip her index finger
inside. She puts her ice-cream covered
finger into her mouth and sU-Ck on
it. I watch as her eyes close in pure
pleasure as she m0ans. “its delicious, Steven. Try some”
she says, her finger back in the bowl and before i know it, she’s
shoving her finger in my mouth. I sU-Ck on her hand and close my
eyes just like she did. “hmm”i murmur “delicious right?” she asks and i nod still swirling my tongue
around her finger in my mouth. She
removes her finger slowly out of
my mouth while staring at it. “your finger tastes delicious. I want more” i say rubbing my stomach and wink at her. She burst out laughing and my heart leap. This
is the first time i have heard her laugh
since the accident. We smile at
each other for awhile but the spell is
broken by a knock on the door. Antonia divert her eyes everywhere but at me. I sigh. Who
could be knocking on my door?. I am not
expecting anybody. I walk to the
door then open it to see Jane. My smile
falls instantly. “don’t get mad at me please. I am just here to apologise” “you cant be here.” i say glancing
behind me to make sure antonia
is not there. “i have been trying to work up
the nerves to ask for your
forgiveness for awhile now. Don’t send me
back, just hear me out” she
pleads. “maybe sometime else, now is not
a good time” i whisper. “why is this not a good time?” i
hear antonia say behind me and i
stiffen. S--t! “Jane, you have to leave now” i say “Jane?”antonia asks. I turn to her but she runs back into the room. What was i thinking, saying jane’s
name. Ofcourse she knows i have
a fiance named Jane. “Steven, who’s th–” Jane tries to
ask but i shut the door in her face and run inside in search of
antonia. I am surprise by what i
see when i see antonia. She is just sitting on
the couch in front of my plasma stuffing her face with ice-cream
while laughing hysterically at whatever Mr ibu is saying on the
tv set. She notice my presence and turn to me “where’s Jane?. Isn’t she joining
us for brunch?”she asks while looking behind me in search of
Jane. I walk to the couch sit
beside her. “she left”i tell her then pick the little spoon on the table and
scoop some ice-cream into my mouth. “oh that’s a shame. I would have
loved to have a little chat with the love of your life”she says without
looking at me. I am about to tell her she is a only of my life but she
shuts me up with her hand. “Stop talking. I can’t hear the
movie”she says and I sigh.
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