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Intoxicated romance - Season 1 - Episode 6

Episode 6 years ago

Intoxicated romance - Season 1 - Episode 6


i cant believe this. Now, i am
jobless. That’s yet another thing i have to explain to my parents
when they come back about an
hour from now. What do i tell them. Hey dad,
i raped my jerk of a boss and it got me fired. No way!. What do i
do?. I pace up and down our
sitting room which isn’t exactly big. “come on sis, your pacing is
giving me an headache. What’s
wrong” “what?. Nothing.” i squeak “toni, i always know when
something is wrong with you so
stop pretending and tell me” “its nothing” “you sure?” “um yea” “okay whatever” my kid brother
says and plug in his earphones
probably to make the fact that he is
ignoring me, obvious. I sigh then
continue my pacing. I am always truthful,
so coming up with a good cover
story is so hard for me. I jump in
nervousness as i hear a knock at
our door. They are early. I look to my
brother but he pretty much
ignores me. I have to go out and let them
in. I clean my sweaty palms on my long flowing skirt and walk to the
door. “welcome home d–” my eyes
widen to unbelievable proportion
once i see who’s at my door. He also looks
stun. I come out of the house and
lock the door. “are you following me?!” he asks
and i laugh. “why would i follow you to my
own house?. It seems to me that i
am the one being followed” “your house?. Isn’t this pastor
Solomon’s house?” “how do you know my dad?” “your dad?!” his eyes goes so
wide and i fear that it may pop out
of their sockets. “antonia” i hear my mom’s voice
and i jump in fright. As i jump, i clash into my boss and he holds
my hips from behind to steady
me. I freeze and look to my dad who’s
watching the both of us. His
hands start to caress my hip and i sag
against me. He feels comfortable which is weird as i barely know
him. I have never felt this kind of connection with kacy. I look
behind me and my eyes lock with
his for a moment. “what is the meaning of this?!” my
father bellows and snaps me out
of my daze. I step away from my
boss. “um, dad” i say and nothing else
comes out “who is this young man and why
does he have his hands all over
my daughter?” “he is no one” i say but my boss
steps in front of me “i am her boss” he says and
stretches his hand to my dad for
an handshake. My dad just looks at
his outstretched hand dubiously.

My mother takes the hand though. “wow. You are really young to be
a boss already. That’s how young
men should be.” my mom turns to
me.”Antonia why didn’t you take
him into the house? Where are your
manners?. Come in my son. I am
sure antonia has something prepared” i watch
with my mouth open as my mom
hook her hands in his arm and they walk
majestically towards the house. I
look towards my dad and he just
shrugs and walks behind them.

Am i the only one who finds this situation
awkward?. When they get to the
door, my boss unhooks his hand and open
the door for my mom while
grinning at her. “your majesty” he says and
spreads his hand towards the
door. I see my mom blush as she walks pass and
pat him on the shoulder. The door
is still held open as my dad walks
through. The jerk has my parents fooled. They must think he is a
perfect gentleman. I expect him to lock the door on my face but he
holds the door till i enter before
he closes it. I feel him beside me but i
don’t pay him any attention. “we have to talk” “about what?. Didn’t you say you
didn’t want to see me again?” “am sorry about yesterday. I
realise that i was too harsh. Could
you just please hear me out?” “i don’t want to” i say and walk
away from him. The next half hour is just plain
weird. My mom fuss around him
during break-fast. It’s fun to watch him
interact with my 16 years old brother though. They talk sports
and game. My brother is just so impressed by him. I can tell by the
way he hangs unto every word
that comes out of my boss’ mouth. He
even makes my dad laugh when
he talks about his 11 months old little
niece who during a sermon,
shouted the pastor’s name. I ignore him
throughout the meal and
concentrated on my foot which i was just picking at.

The sight of him interacting comfortably with my family was
not good for my appetite. If only
they knew who he was and what the
both of them had done. After
everybody was done with their food, i stand
up and start clearing the table. “that was delicious” he says as i
pack his plate. I don’t answer him but my mom does. “antonia is a very good cook. She
is always experimenting in the kitchen. She’ll make a great wife
don’t you think?” she says to him and i know what she’s trying to
do already. “yes, she will” he affirms “too bad, her talents would go to
waste on that no-good fiance of
hers” “mother!” i scream “i told you, i don’t like him” “well i am an adult and i can make
decisions on my own” “do you even know what he does
for a living?” “he said he’s an importer” “of what exactly?. I don’t trust
him. He always has this calculating look in his eyes”i go to say
something but my boss clears his
throat and i remember that he’s still here.

My dad and brother just look everywhere except at us ****************** Thanks for the comments reading
them give me joy. More comments please and also
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